Today’s blog is republished from my friends at TheAlternativeDaily, a leading publisher of daily alternative health tips that I personally read every day…
If you suffer from frequent urination at night — also called nocturia — chances are you’re probably not getting enough restful sleep, leaving you cranky and frustrated with your body. Here’s how to get your overactive bladder under control, naturally.
What is nocturia?
If you find yourself getting up more than once during the six to eight hour period when you should be sleeping, you’re not alone. Approximately one in three adults over the age of 30 have nocturia (an excessive need to urinate at night), says the Urology Care Foundation. It could be the case that your body is making too much urine, your bladder can’t hold it for long periods of time or it’s a bit of both.
According to researchers, nocturia has a significant impact on people’s overall health and wellbeing. It contributes to fatigue, memory issues, depression and anxiety, higher risk of heart disease, gastrointestinal distress and increased risk of falls. Sleep is tied to everything — and without it, our bodies suffer.
What causes nocturia?
There are several lifestyle choices, health conditions and medications that affect the presence of nocturia. One of the most common is aging. That’s because the older we get, the less our bodies produce the hormone that tells our kidneys to take it easy while we’re resting. In addition, with age, the bladder becomes less elastic, so it can’t hold onto as much urine as it used to be able to. The result? Frequent trips to the restroom in the middle of the night.
In older men, an enlarged prostate could be the culprit behind nocturia. This occurs because the bladder is unable to empty out completely, leading to more trips to the toilet round-the-clock. In women, those who have had children may have weaker muscles if they haven’t worked on their pelvic floor muscles. Additionally, women who have gone through menopause experience reduced estrogen production, which can impact the urinary tract.
More causes for nocturia
If you think you might have a serious medical condition, make an appointment with your doctor today. Here are some other common reasons for frequent urination at night:
- Heart issues
- Diabetes
- Liver failure
- Alzheimer’s
- Parkinson’s
- Overactive bladder
- Prostate tumor
- Interstitial cystitis
- Pregnancy
- Obesity
Keep a diary by your bed and record how often you’re going to the restroom, so you can report back to your doctor. You can also use the BladderTrakHer web app and log every trip to the toilet. In the meantime, here are some ways to handle nocturia:
Drink less before bed

Are you having several cups of tea before bed? Drinking a few too many glasses of wine in your PJs? Before anything else, try modifying the amount of liquid you drink before bedtime to see if this can effectively reduce nighttime urination. You may find immediate relief! Also make sure to avoid caffeine in the afternoon or alcohol in the late evening, since both interfere with your natural urination cycle.
With all of that said, it’s important not to reduce your overall fluid intake too much. It may seem like this is an easy way to stop peeing at night, but it could have adverse health effects, like a urinary tract infection. Speaking of which…
Check in with your urinary tract
When you have the early symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI), you may feel the urge to “go” more often than normal, especially at night. Before a full-blown infection strikes, stay hydrated every day, adjust your diet to include probiotics and always pee after sex. You might have an infection if your nighttime urination is paired with pain in your stomach, a fever and blood in your urine. If this is the case, see a doctor right away to confirm your diagnosis.
Talk to your doctor about your meds
Many medications have nocturia as a side effect. For example, if you suffer from heart failure, your doctor may have prescribed you a diuretic to get rid of the edema (fluid buildup) in your lower extremities. Unfortunately, you may feel the need to pee more often at night. Talk to your doctor about changing the medication or see if you can take it earlier in the day.
Soothe your sleep disorder
It may not actually be the urge to pee that’s waking you up, but a different problem altogether. Do you have chronic pain? Sleep apnea? Are you feeling anxious or depressed lately? All of these things can interrupt your normal sleep pattern, leaving you awake at strange hours of the night. Talk to a physician you trust about to fix your sleep disorder, naturally. You may find that your peeing problem goes away too.
Eat a handful of raisins

The evidence on this is purely anecdotal, but many nocturia sufferers have reported positive effects from eating a handful of raisins just before bed. To see if this works for you, eat 1/4 cup of raisins (about 30) before you head off to sleep. Try this for several nights in a row to see if it makes a difference. Even if it’s only the placebo effect, at least it works for some people!
Avoid ‘irritating’ foods and drinks
There are several foods and beverages that are known to make bladder irritation even worse. If you’re eating or drinking any of these, stop and see if your nocturia gets better:
- Alcohol
- Chocolate
- Coffee and tea
- Processed foods
- Tomatoes, tomato sauce, salsa
- Hot sauce, chili peppers, wasabi or anything else that’s spicy
- Acidic fruit juices, like orange and grapefruit
Make sure to scan the complete list of foods to avoid from the Cleveland Clinic.
Strengthen your pelvic floor
It’s always a good idea to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which support a woman’s uterus, bladder, small intestine and rectum. For a man, strong pelvic floor muscles support the bladder and urethra, helping to combat incontinence and other problems down the line.
So what’s the solution for both men and women? Kegel exercises! Studies have shown that performing kegel exercises on a daily basis can significantly strengthen pelvic floor muscles, which helps to address many of the biggest problems associated with urinary issues.
First, identify the muscle group by interrupting the flow of urine. Hold for five seconds, then resume peeing. Once you’re familiar with the right muscles, lie down on your back in a comfortable spot. Tighten the pelvic floor muscles, holding the contraction for five seconds, then relax for five seconds. Do the exercise four to five times in a row, a few times a week. Be careful not to overextend your bladder and cause further irritation. Within a few weeks, you should have a stronger pelvic floor, especially if you try out this next tip…
Roll out your yoga mat

Among yoga’s numerous benefits are exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor. Get on down to your nearest yoga studio or search for “yoga and pelvic floor” exercises on YouTube. Some of the best asanas for your pelvis are:
- Squat
- Locust pose
- Warrior II pose
- Bridge pose
- Chair pose
- Child’s pose
(The original article source is here)
Hilary Lebow
Before you go, I have another important message for both men and women…
Attention Women: Stop ‘pee leaks’ with this upper body stretch
If you want to stop bladder leakage and tighten your pelvic floor, you’re supposed to do kegels, right? Well…
That’s wrong, but there is an UPPER body stretch that strengthens your pelvic floor and stops ‘pee leaks’…
>> This strange upper body stretch STOPS bladder leakage
Attention Men: try THIS if you have an enlarged SWOLLEN prostate:
Just a handful of doctors knew this until recently:
Every man over 40 suffering from prostate problems has this hidden toxin “leaking” inside their bodies…
And not only does it swell the prostate, giving you the nagging sensation that you have to pee immediately…
But could also lead to other incurable complications!
How to avoid the dangerous “prostate toxin”.
This information is vital for me. I’m above 40 n i remember getting up severaly in the night to pee,. also I’m drinking lots of warm water through out the day but not alcohol, i knew the could be a problem, so now i will go for check up. Thanks for being Dr.
I found your article very helpful I will try it all
Great reading!
Good evening’
This information is very important for me too. Because of nocturia, I am waking up during the night almost every hour. I am not drinking much in the evening. Actually, I don’t drink after 6 pm but it doesn’t work for me, I still have to run to restroom 5-6 times during the night.
Would appreciate very much your help in this matter.
Thank you.
great information. Thank you.
I am in my late 70s have to
Pee at least 6 times a night afterwards have a hot flush last about half an hour sometimes i can go back to sleep
Other times lay awake until I need to go again
Have been like this for thirty years only relief was when I was on hormone replacement therapy
Have high blood pressure under control with medication also have had heart surgery valve repair
Haven’t had a good nights sleep since I went off HRT last June
Can you help me
Speak to your MD often meds can be taken earlier in the day. Also try drinking less before going to bed. However a ggod MD should be a great help. All the best.
I am 74, have had nocturia on and off for the past 3 years. Pee 3 to 5 times a night. Mostly slow trickles but improved flow in the morning. Tried all the diet and drink advice but no real improvement. Two weeks ago started taking one 200 mg Ibubrofen before bed. Magic, no more nocturia. Sleep until 5 or 6 am every night. The flow is “wonderful”
I have subsequently read reviews on others who have experienced same cure.
..”what should I do if I have this problem?
Great info ,I just broke some of the rules, but this information was very important to me
Don’t forget venous congestion in the legs. Your heart might be doing just fine but as we age, the valves in our veins don’t work as well at preventing pooling. And when one lies down, voila, the blood is now helped by gravity to go where it’s supposed to.
One remedy might be to just elevate your feet for an hour or so before bedtime.
great advice for a senior citizen like me
Thank you
Lkke to sleep through the night without so many trips to the bathroom.
Hi, I have high blood pressure and it was dangerously high in May of 2018. ZonibwS hospitalized, since then ivechad different things going on in.munbody, and many hospitalizations that have resulted in my seeing seven differentvspeciality doctors. The problem now, is frequent urination and I wS getting upnatvleastcsix to ten times a night. My urologist had me taking two medications aswell as an antibiotic, and I stayed on the nitroforantoin for about one year..Now I’m experiencing pain in my belly and frequent soft stools. It’s not runny diarrhea, all 9fvthevtimd, but it goes back and forth. It almost It almost feels like I have a blockage and im.constipated, but the painful feeling whilecrryong to relieve myself is excruciating, and can ladtcfrom a few hours to about four days, before relieved. Tben for several hours,, or in this case, I have soft frequent stools or some wwatery diarrhea, and it has lasted anywhere from s few days to several weeks. Then goes awaY a while then starts,over now and then. Anyone else experience this.
one of the symptoms of ovarian cancer is painful elimination of stool and back and forth constipation to soft elimination. See a doc and insist on a CT scan. I am a 13 year survivor of stage3C ovarian cancer. I had similar symptoms. some tumors were on my bladder and bowels. I had radical total abdominal hysterectomy, pkus 3 more surgeries and 21 months of chemo. piece of cake compared to the alternative. I am alive and kicking. fyi. They predicted two -five years before the cancer returned.
See your doc.
I have the same problem so my doctor put me on desmopressin. You spray it in your nose and it prevents you from getting up all night long to go to the bathroom
Is that not for hey fever
I’m a 65 year old male and I’m not big tv fan and maybe 8 years ago I started watching intense shows on Netflix with my now ex wife and my daughter. I have found if I don’t watch intense shows I don’t have to pee as much and sometimes can only get up once ans if I’m really stressed from life and watch intense shows I have to pee 5 to 8 times a night.
Read something with a happy ending or true story of hope
Try reading the Bible .
Psalms is a good place to start.
Or Genesis then Exodus.
The New Testament starting in Mathew.
Try the New King James Version.
AMEN to this advice!
to keep the area around your kidneys warm at night is also rather important.
Often the nightdress slides up and that part of your back is left cold.. and that
gives You the urge
Where does the slice of lemon shown on the thumbnail? Peeing too much at night is a direct result of eating before bedtime. When we eat, we drink because digestion needs water to make it work. Remember high school chemistry class, one mole of water and one calorie are given off at digestion so if you are digesting food while you sleep, you will get up and pee more often. Put away the Doritos and Peanuts and don’t eat after 8:pm and you’ll sleep like a baby.
this is true to a point, but there are other reasons people get up to pee in the middle of the night…prostate issues for men, for example. It’s not always so simple
I agree. I need a screening. Just came away from the emergency room yet a again with another bladder infection and high fever. I keep getting these and now wonder if my enlarged prostate gland is the culprit
Sounds like good advice to me. I avoid carbs as often as I can at least two hours before bedtime. As a diabetic, that is very helpful as well…
This information is vital for me. I’m above 75 y women i remember getting up severaly in the night to pee,.
great advice for a senior citizen like me
Thanks for being Dr.?????
My prostate was removed 10 years ago. Nocturia was worse. I don’t drink after 6:00 p.m. Still urinating 5-6 times every night. Not sure what to do. Very annoying to say the least.
Same but I am up 3 or 4 times a night.
Great article. I just want to hang out with the Watchdog to see what the mountains of Utah looks really like! I know no one who lives there…
they’re pretty amazing!
I had My Prostate Removed on August 3rd of 2020.. what can I do or take about using the Bathroom about 5 times a night ?
Thank you. Andrew J Prince St
I have the same problem and the same reason
Indeed express and clear; quite educative and treating. Please, take the initiative and consider other areas of one’s night’s unrest and discomfort tied to ones body. Such an area is body paining, especially so Head and Stomach ache.
I wake up sometimes 3 times a night. I have had my prostate removed 30 yrs ago I am an active triathlete. I watch am careful of my diet. I wake up in the night because I believe I will go back to sleep if I empty my bladder. There are times after a busy workout or hard day I use Tylenol which tends to reduce rising up or reduce inflamation.
I really enjoy reading this article because I am going through this right now and I’m going to try this.Thank You!!!
I want to know about a child who is 10years and still urinating at her during bedtime what can I give him/her
My granddaughter would wet the bed every night so we had her wear toddler pull-ups since she is a small size. Her pediatrician said not to make an issue of it and to not worry until age 15. I was appalled but sure enough at age 14
She suddenly quit and after a month of dry pull-ups she hadn’t worn them and has not wet the bed.
With PTSD since 18. A cop until disabled. In the USAF a fireman, also disabled fireman I should be dead. Instead at age 80 I am a survivor! Up many times at night to pee. Absolutely grateful! Waking proves I exist! Miracle! Wrote a book at age 78!
I wish I had your perseverance! I’m 64 and it sounds like you have more energy and stamina than I, congratz!!!! What was your book about?
Al, Thank you for your wonderful positive way of looking at life.
I was diagnoses with sleep apnea in 1992. My 02 level was low 82% and I was fully awake 4-5 times an hour during sleep cycle. In 1987 Dr. Ken Wu at the Century City Hospital as part of s sleep apnea study; performed an surgical operation experiment. He opened my throat and removed my throat valve. The first six sleep test with all the equipment for testing did not improve my apnea or 02 levels. After the surgery on my throat the next sleep test showed greatly improved 02 to 98% but the apnea did not improve. For over thirty years, I have great 02 levels but sleep only 2 to 5 hours a night. In the 90s I was told with low 02 levels, I would suffer with brain dementia in 10 years. Well I seem to have beaten that diagnostics and do not use any equipment to boost 02 levels during sleep. As a footnote; While sleeping I flop around so much these apnea 02 machines get tangled and stop working. At almost 80, I am doing OK.
You sound like a fish flopping around! You are fortunate to have beaten dementia, that’s fantastic in itself. I’m on a sleep apnea machine just recently, having 18 events per hour. Hoping to wean off of it but who knows. I also only sleep about 3 hours per night. Wishing you well. You sound like you’re doing great for your age.
Extraordinaire news for a health conscious female like myself and I.
Re: Nocturia-is-caused-by-a-range-oflifestyle-and-medical-factors
Anyway, I currently suffer from many mental, physical.and physiological, ailments, these medical health problems are overwhlmingly stressful for me. One thing is that they add additional stress to my everyday living. It conflicts with family time with third generations like , grandchildren, cousins, children, and others as well. Valuable days are missed from work. Work schedule is chaotic, specifically because of COVID, it has negatively impacted my unhealthy lifestyle, my health is much worser, adverse side effects too.
My physical therapy appointments I am currently, working on due to several falls and injuries, its like I have a diring need to go to the public laboratory located within the location where I receive treatment for my physical health.
Wow! Im like this is so frustraitng to have to inerrupt my therapeutic exercises and treatment to go the bathroom. Probably because I am so shy, I feel embarassed to have to consistently go to a public bathroom where people are looking and observing and let known God knows who how many people are using that bathroom.
I feel as though, those men are nit-picking watching me. Oh no, no, no,” I interjected, but “I have to use the bathroom to urinate. she says.
My disabilites have taken a toll on my health. I am overjoyed to have had the opportunity to read this article. I do so much research on my health problems, especially word-of-mouth, from medically intelligent people like my companion and my children. My two younger sons are excellent, very knowledgeable, I put on my listening ears.
My companion and I listen to videos about improving our physical health and we are learning at the same note. world people suffer from.
As a volunteer, for the American Heart Association, I feel like Im the perfect candidate to put in writing all of the knowledge that I have obtained, publishing it primarily. I would like to participate in paid research as a job to write articles and publish books on the top health problems in the world.
As a researcher too, the “Watchdog’, Mike he really sent valuable medical information in this article to be published. His work as a Certified Nutrition Specialist and Personal Trainer, probably I’m guessing to help him to gain more knowledge.
Everyday I’m working on becoming healthier, easier said than done, it’s a struggle, oftentimes very complicated, it’s challenging, not a very easy job to complete.
Pray for me on my healthcare journey! Yours too, you’re in my prayers too.
I suffered from nocturia for months and learned to take about 30 raisins before bed. It worked for me.
Will highly recommend it.
What kind of raisins did you eat to help stop peeing at night so much?
Great post. I just turned 50 and in the last few months I seem to need to pee 4 to 5 times in the night. And I actually do pee, losts of it. I have tried drinking less, sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt. I also started experiencing one swollen anke during the day when I sit at my desk. But when I lay down at night and wake up in the morning, my ankle is back to normal. Ive been told all this is linked to age and menopause. Its quite frustrating as I have been relatively healthy all my life and Im not used to feeling out of sorts!
you have too wear compression socks during the day
To whom it may concern I’m trying to lose at least about 60 pounds for now we need like over 250 something pounds I would like to get better control of my leaking urination my stomach I’m just concerned about my health overall
I recently learned that this doesn’t work for everyone, but here goes: in December 2020 at the doctor’s office, I weighed 255… not too long after that (maybe a week or two?) I decided to stop eating carbs – so, no more bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, corn, and no more variations thereof, i.e., popcorn, onion rings, etc. It’s now late July 2021, & I’ve lost about 70lbs – and yes, of course I give in sometimes, but WOW, try it! Nothing else was working for me…..
The best way to fight your overactive bladder and fatigue problem is with a cup of hot water infused with the lemon xtract
And a cup of hot tea of your particular choice. Maybe perhaps a little bit of the anti- diarrhea medication ? and a box of Mucinex. Take two of the Mucinex and call your doc before you add any new food items to your extended diet. Take Care.
Take 3 mg melatonin an hour before bedtime and a large capsule of beta-sitosterol. Will definitely help.
Thanks so much for this article. I think its publication has been timely.
Thanks. Very helpful. I have just started facing this odd problem. I am 66.
I suffered a stroke in 2007 and ever since I have had to get up at least 10x during the night as I feel the need to pee all the time.
Please help ….
It sure feels good to know I’m not alone . I pee up to 10 times between 6 pm an 6am fine during the day . I have large amounts at night . This has been going on for over 10 years . I was told I needed to have surgery . To move everything back in place . At the time I was caregiver for my husband with Alzheimer’s my dad with cancer . They needed 24 hour care . Heavy lifting , Didn’t help . No sleep at night ,takes me forever to go back to sleep by then it’s pee call again. ..My nerves are shot ,an severe arthritis . But try to keep moving . The is for letting me unload my pee problems . ‼️
Frequent pee at during sleep.
I have the same problem and was told too wear compression socks during the day
very real live cases. continue to share those issues with others . for I find many commonalities.
Suffering with my bladder for 8 yrs now. I believe my muscles are weak. I’m not on any meds. I’m 47 yrs old..I have one teenage girl 15 yrs old. I had natural child birth…it’s very embarrassing.
I go 15 times daily for more or less no reason at all.
Lately I got thru the night only getting up once to the washroom. Most nights I am up more than 3 times at least. If I eat the wrong foods and too late I will be up often. I think chamomile tea is helpful but not drinking after 6:30 p.m. is best. Snacking at night is a no no for sure.
where do I get the pill to cut down on night time peeing to much I take prostate support pills
I’d like to add, I have had issue with this. I went to a PT to do therapy. One thing (aside from sitting on/against an exercise ball for exercises to target my supportive muscles, or lying flat on a table/bench to lift my leg out and away from my body or with a resistance band while I alternated one foot pulling away from my body then the other – to work certain muscle groups while and without clenching PC muscles) I found to be a huge help the therapist told me is this: we often train ourselves to go with certain signals to our brains (ie, as with the Pavlov’s bell experiment) that needs to be interrupted/broken out of. I would pick up my keys and then think, go use the restroom before you leave!! Or if I was getting ready for bed I’d pop in to use the toilet way more than needed, because you pee before your bedtime. I know this might seem counter-intuitive for the peeing need during rest, but you can apparently start to train parts of your body to expect these too frequent peeing seshes. So aside from seeing a doc and maybe a physical therapist if you can/want, examine your trained behaviors like I have. It really actually annoyed me that this helped as much as it did, right off the bat! I hope you all could be so lucky as to recognize if it could be a poor habit you’ve formed and be able to break up some of your nocturia this way. Stay well.
I have a week overactive bladder. My detrusor muscle week. I get up four times at night it’s been 8 yrs now. How do I stop. What am I to use.
I am a born Hindu, weigh 144 lbs. with height 5′-10″. Lacto-vegetarian (86 year old), Never drank or ate any meat in whole life. I am type 2 diabetic. Do Physical exercises half an hour (as recommended By Physical Therapy) every day.
Do not drink water for 2-3 hours before bed. But fall asleep with sleeping pill.
retired in 2006. (as Professor)
I eat, Milk (Ensure) and cookies snacks at midnight.
Suffer Moderate Constipation. Drink hot water first in morning.
Yet No treatment for Expanded Prostate Gland.
Take Ashwa-Gandha and Chyavan Prash (Both Ayurvedic)
My mother is 106 and living relatively healthy,(Very Spiritual) with no diseases but physical disability.( Very Spiritual)
My husband took Ibuprofen before bed for pain, not enough water. wound up with a bleeding ulcer, throwing up blood. Hospitalized for a while. Serious medication, do be careful. ER Dr. said very common for people to be hospitalized from Ibuprofen. I’ve been giving him Arthritis Strength Tylenol, no problems. He has some nocturia from other causes, he fell in Dec. affected many areas. Important to keep up your strength as you age, he’s 78, has RA, been rough.
I do want to get rid of this matter please and as soon as possible,, please..
I pee at niight – every couple of hous. solution?
wouls love to get some ,,
I sometimes have to get up many times in the night. About 6 months ago for three nights I got up only once a night. It is hurting my sleep.
Every individual is unique. One primary method to reduce nocturia is for the intestine to slowly “ration” water to the body instead of dumping it too fast, and that depends on eating sufficient fiber. For instance, a raw carrot, apple, or celery stick that is well chewed or in a smoothie can hold water like a sponge and gently distribute water over time, so one stays hydrated without excess early urination. Fiber is likely the mechanism for raisins, but choose healthier foods unless the raisins are organic and red-skinned. Another water storage “sponge” is the “goo” from chia seeds, which I suggest in a small, early evening smoothie, along with healthy fibrous rainbow varieties of fruits and vegetables. Another “sponge” for water distribution is the mucousal lining of the intestine, which depends on a healthy microbiome, which depends on no GMOs, minimal quantities of strictly-organic grains, and careful avoidance of glyphosate (which is now used heavily as a desiccant on non-GMO non-organic grains & lentils).
Very good points. I get dry mouth, so I need moisture regulation, not avoidance.
Thank you for sharing! I resonate with your advice and still need wisdom and direction to overcome an overactive bladder during the day and night.
Shalom ??
Anyone who is peeing too often at night or during the day would benefit from an appointment to see a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist. It is not a good idea to tell people to do Kegels without them seeing a PF Physical Therapist. Most people do not know how to do a kegel properly, your PT can teach you, IF that is the right course for you. If you have overactive/tight pelvic floor muscles and you continue to do kegels you will be making things worse for yourself.
Also don’t stop your stream of urine to practice kegels. This is counterproductive. When we sit to urinate instead we want to relax the pelvic floor muscles to allow all of the urine to be released, which could save you another trip to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
How can someone get access to this medicines
My problem is not just at night but also during the day after a Hysterectomy it got wurst i tryd no coffee no tea nothing so now i have to make Shure where all the Bathrooms are when i go out .