Tag Archives: plastic

Is Your Coffee Maker Toxic?

Amanda was like every other hard-working American mother. She had two kids, a house in the suburbs and a great job. But at one point in her late 30s, she began to have a serious problem. Everyday at work, she was getting hot flashes. She’d be in a meeting with her boss (she was aiming for a promotion so these …

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Are these “micro-plastics” poisoning your body AND our rivers and oceans? (They even harm your hormones)

By: Cat Ebeling, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix In this article, you’re going to be both shocked and disgusted at both the environmental devastation that plastics (and micro plastics) are doing to our ecosystems, but also how much harm these “micro plastics” are doing to your health and hormones.  Let’s …

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