Tag Archives: fight cancer

Try This Coffee Ground And Turmeric Scrub For Better Skin

Today’s blog is republished from my friends at TheAlternativeDaily, a leading publisher of daily alternative health tips that I personally read every day… The original article can be found here: There are certain combinations that for some reason just click. Natural ingredients that work well on their own, but when combined create something only just short of miraculous. One such combination, in my …

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What is Dragon Fruit and Should I Eat It?

By: Cat Ebeling, RN, MSN-PHN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix If you’ve ever seen dragon fruit in the store, it would certainly catch your eye! It looks almost like it came from another planet, it’s so wild looking. Dragon fruit comes from tropical areas of the world and grows on …

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The Magic of Medicinal Mushrooms


  By: Cat Ebeling, RN, MSN-PHN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix You may be seeing mushrooms as ingredients in everything from kombucha to coffee drinks to protein powders and supplements to healthy snacks lately. Mushrooms are everywhere and they have been discovered as the new ‘superfood’. Medicinal mushrooms have been …

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7 Good Reasons to Use Black Garlic


By: Cat Ebeling, RN, MSN-PHN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix Black garlic looks a bit like a cooking mistake that should be thrown away instead of eaten. But this specially aged garlic not only tastes unique and amazing, but it has amazing superfood powers as well. Black garlic was used …

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The Dark Side of Kale


By: Cat Ebeling, BSN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix Kale used to show up on people’s plates as a barely edible garnish, but in the last several years, it suddenly skyrocketed to fame as health fanatics everywhere discovered its many nutritious attributes. Kale now takes center stage as a salad …

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The Best Detox Diet


By: Cat Ebeling, BSN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix Nearly everyone talks about doing a ‘detox’ diet, especially as a New Year’s resolution. But almost anytime is a good time to detoxify your body. A detox can help you make a starting point for a clean diet that results in …

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Intermittent Fasting Slows Aging, Fights Disease, Builds Muscle, and Burns Fat


By: Cat Ebeling, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix The newest diet trend is NOT eating. That’s right. Intermittent Fasting. It certainly makes sense, given that our primal ancestors went through periods of not eating while searching for food, as well as periods of feasting when food was plentiful. Our bodies …

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