Tag Archives: medications

YIKES! Why Do I Suddenly Have ‘Cankles’?


By: Cat Ebeling, RN, MSN-PHN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix I remember flying to Thailand a few years ago. The flight is over 20 hours long. There you are, squished in with about 300 other passengers, so being able to move about and stretch your legs was a bit tricky. …

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Is Berberine the New Longevity Solution?


  By: Cat Ebeling, RN, MSN-PHN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix We all want to stay young, energetic, and healthy forever. But unfortunately, that isn’t entirely possible. Longevity is much more than just living a long life, longevity means living the longest, healthiest life possible. There is good news for …

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Big Pharma in Your Drinking Water


By: Cat Ebeling, RN, MSN-PHN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix What if you were unintentionally drinking multiple medications in your glass of water? Medications such as blood pressure medicine, diabetes medicine, epilepsy medication, birth control pills and antibiotics. All of these have been found in drinking water samples in multiple …

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The Real Reason You are Tired All the Time


By: Cat Ebeling, RN, MSN-PHN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix One of the biggest complaints that many people mention is fatigue. So many of us complain of being tired all the time. No matter how common it seems, feeling exhausted all the time is just not normal or healthy. It’s …

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Rid Yourself of Pain for Good


By: Cat Ebeling, RN, MSN-PHN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix Aging is often associated with increasing pain. Achy joints, sore stiff muscles, and lots of things that end in “-itis”. Tendonitis, bursitis, and arthritis are some terms for medical conditions that you may hear more often as you get older. …

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Tinnitus Triggers


By: Cat Ebeling, RN, MSN-PHN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix Ahh…the sounds of silence. It’s so relaxing. But for many people, there is NO silence–but instead there’s a buzzing, ringing, humming, hissing, roaring, or even shrieking sound. While it may be quiet outside your head, inside there may be constant …

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Peeing Too Much At Night? Here’s How To Stop


Today’s blog is republished from my friends at TheAlternativeDaily, a leading publisher of daily alternative health tips that I personally read every day… If you suffer from frequent urination at night — also called nocturia — chances are you’re probably not getting enough restful sleep, leaving you cranky and frustrated with your body. Here’s how to get your overactive bladder under …

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