17 Amazing Uses for Epsom Salt… Some You Won’t Believe


Today’s blog republished from my friends at TheAlternativeDaily is going to explain the potential benefits of Epsom salts. Please read on to discover the amazing benefits of this super-mineral…

Epsom salt, which is not really a salt at all but a mineral compound comprised of magnesium and sulfate, gets its named from a saline spring at Epsom in Surrey, England.

Epsom salt has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for a number of ailments, and also has many beauty, gardening and household uses.

Both magnesium and sulfate are readily absorbed into the skin, which makes their health benefits readily accessible. Over 325 enzymes in the body are regulated by magnesium, which also helps reduce inflammation, alleviates hardening of the arteries and improves muscle and nerve function. Sulfates improve the rate at which nutrients are absorbed and help to flush out toxins.

Here are 17 of our favorite uses for this versatile compound – we hope you enjoy them as much as we do!

1. Soothe sore muscles

An Epsom salt bath is a great way to soothe sore muscles, cramps, bruises and joint pain. Because of this, it is a great after-workout soak. In addition, soaking in an Epsom salt bath is a wonderful way to relax and relieve stress. Add 2 cups of salts to a warm bath. Mix the salt in so it dissolves in the water. Soak for 10-15 minutes for best results.

2. Exfoliate skin

As we shed our skin naturally, the buildup of dead skin cells clogs pores and can cause blemishes. Exfoliation is necessary to keep skin healthy, glowing and vibrant. The best way to exfoliate with Epsom salts is to massage handfuls all over the body in the shower or bath. Your skin will feel soft and fresh with this homemade spa treatment.

3. Homemade hand wash

Mix ½ cup of baby oil with ½ cup of water, and add ¼ cup of Epsom salts and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Set this homemade mixture next to your sink for a nice bathroom hand wash.

4. Treat insect bites and poison ivy

A compress made with Epsom salts is a great way to treat mosquito bites, bee stings and poison ivy. Mix 2 tablespoons of salts with 1 cup of warm water. Soak a clean cloth in the mixture and hold on affected area to remove pain, burning and itching.

5. Clean your face

Your face need to be cleaned and exfoliated just like the rest of your body. Put a teaspoon of Epsom salts in your hand and mix with a little warm water. Scrub your face with the mixture then rinse clean. This facial cleaner not only exfoliates and rejuvenates but also helps remove blackheads and prevent acne.

6. Remove splinters

Splinters can be tricky and painful to remove. Skip the needles and soak your splintered skin in an Epsom salt bath. The salts will draw the splinter out and leave the area clean.

7. Lip balm

Dry, flaky, cracking lips are not only unsightly but also painful. Heal this uncomfortable condition with a homemade Epsom salt lip balm. Mix equal parts organic coconut oil and Epsom salts. Apply to lips generously to exfoliate and moisturize.

8. Tile cleaner

Bathroom and kitchen tile grime can be difficult to clean. Powerful tile cleaners are not only expensive, but also often contain harmful chemicals. Make your own hard-working natural Epsom salt tile scrub. Mix equal parts liquid dish soap with epsom salts. Scrub onto tiles with a sponge and rinse clean with water.

9. Insect killer

Mix ¼ cup of Epsom salts with 2 cups of water and place in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture around your home and garden to safely deter insects without the use of chemical insecticides.

10. Relieve constipation

Epsom salts are a great way to relieve constipation. Mix 2 teaspoons of Epsom salts in a glass of water. Drink entire cup for best results. If the taste is not appealing to you, try mixing with fresh juice instead.

11. Fertilize your lawn and plants

Epsom salts make a wonderful fertilizer for your lawn and potted plants. For greener grass, mix 1 cup of the salts for every gallon of water and spray over lawn area. To fertilize potted plants, simply sprinkle Epsom salts around the base of the plants once every week. This method of fertilizing also works great for tomatoes and other veggies.

12. Draw out toxins and reduce swelling

An Epsom salt bath is a wonderful way to draw toxins out of your body. Soaking in a bath for 10-15 minutes is also a great way to reduce swelling. Mix 1-2 cups of Epsom salts in a warm bath and mix to dissolve in water.

13. Boost your laundry

Epsom salts combined with a little essential oil makes a perfect fabric softener for your laundry. In addition, the salts will help remove detergent buildup from your washer. Mix 4 cups epsom salts with 20 drops of your favorite essential oil. Add ¼ cup to each load of laundry.

14. Kill foot fungus and remove odor

Soaking your feet in Epsom salts not only reduces swelling and draws out toxins, but also zaps odors and foot fungus. Add ¼ cup to a large container of warm water. Soak feet for 10-15 minutes.

15. Sunburn treatment

Soaking in an Epsom salt bath is a great way to soothe skin irritated by sunburn. Mix 1 cup of salts in warm bath water. Mix to combine and soak in the bath for 10-15 minutes.

16. Hair conditioner

Epsom salts make a great deep conditioner to add volume and remove grease from your hair. Combine equal parts of organic hair conditioner and Epsom salts and apply liberally to hair. Let sit for 20 minutes, then rinse clean.

17. Soften your hands

You know that soaking your feet in Epsom salts is healthy, but what about your hands? Soaking your hands is a great way to soothe rough skin, calm aching finger joints, remove nail polish and remove any dirt from under your nails. Add 1/4 cup of Epsom salts to a large bowl of warm water. Soak hands in mixture for 5-10 minutes.

The Alternative Daily

This article was re-posted with the permission of The Alternative Daily. The original post is found here.

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About The Watchdog

Mike Geary has been a Certified Nutrition Specialist and Certified Personal Trainer for over 15 years now. He has been studying nutrition and exercise for almost 25 years, ever since being a young teenager. Mike is originally from Pennsylvania, but has fallen in love with mountain life and now resides in the picturesque mountains of Utah. Mike is an avid adventurist and when he’s not spending his time skiing, mountain biking, hiking, or paddleboarding on the lake, he has enjoyed skydiving, whitewater rafting, piloting an Italian fighter plane (seriously), scuba diving, heli-skiing, and traveling all around the world, enjoying learning about different cultures. At the age of 40, Mike now feels healthier, stronger, and more energetic than when he was 20... All because of a healthy lifestyle and great nutrition!

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  1. I’m unable to find “9 Common chemicals harming your hormones (particularly Testosterone”. Can you help?

  2. looks great & informative

  3. Awesome information !!!
    Did not know that Epsom Salt has many more safer and natural benefits.

    Thanks and keep UP the great Job !!!

    • Don’t use harmful chemicals in your bath soaps etc. and empty your bathwater onto your veggie garden. Use a half cup epsom salts in your bath every day.

    • I use Magnesium flakes and Epsom salts with lavender in my warm bath. I have cancer and this soak is the highlight of my day. Soft skin, no ache for hours smells wonderful too! Buy Magnesium FLAKES in a large container. So inexpensive! It’s awesome for restless leg syndrome too.

  4. Maybe an Epsom salts soak will help the arthritis pain in my legs.

    • Barbara- An Epsom Salt bath for 10-15 mins 3-4 times a wk should do wonders for you! Between my arthritis and a bulging disc, I have been dealing with some degree of pain day in & day out for many yrs now. One evening while soaking in the tub, just a warm soak in straight water, I remembered how Mom used to have me soak the sprained ankles I suffered when I played baseball as a kid in a bucket of warm Epsom Salt water. After that, I started using Epsom Salt in my bath water at least 3 nights a wk. after my exercises to stretch my sciatic nerve. Made a HUGE difference in the frequency and degree of pain. Since then I have started using a combination of granular salt & Epsom Salt Bubble Bath which makes the soaks even more effective, relaxing and flat out enjoyable. The bubbling action on the pores of the skin is incredible! Curious as to what results you have experienced as far as relieving some of the pain. If by chance you have not tried the bubble bath, I highly suggest it.

      • Could I add Epsom salts to my hot tub?

        • Wouldn’t recommend it, unless you have a “salt safe” hot tub. The salt would corrode the piping

      • Is the pain you have the same thing as fibromyalgia or nerve pain? Cause I also have 2 bulging discs plus severe nerve pain and it’s very painful to the point that sometimes I can’t even get out of bed.

    • It will. Soak or make a spray with hot water to melt the salts and add a little more water when filling up a spray bottle.

    • Try cayenne pepper mixed with a light olive oil and massage it into your legs. wash hands well afterwards

    • I enjoy your article on the many uses of Epsom Salts. I have been using it as a foot soak and it also relieves arthritis in hands and knees. Thank for sharing it’s many other use I did not know about. Very enlightening!

      • Epson salts is the best. Now it’s sold in drugstores as potable(drinking). Get the book on liver cleanse by the late Andreas-Liver Cleanse.

    • Awesome info, Mike. Who knew this about Epsom Salts? Great treatment for sunburned skin and skin fungus and so much more!

      Thank you for being a global citizen and honoring the cultures of the world! Love it!


    • Is epsom salt good to bath in every day for arthritis.

    • You can also put Epsom salts in a 16 oz spray bottle of water and spray it on the painful areas. I have osteoarthritis, gout and fibromyalgia. This works for me

  5. Wooow,happy about epsom salt uses.Have a problem with my bowels cos I seldom go to the toilet for number two and when I do the stools are dry .Have been to many doctors but they always give me tablets to loosen up.I tried to add fruits and veges to meal

    • I am 82yrs of age, and I took fall on Icey Driveway this morning, finally after getting up I went down

      to my excersize roon for l hour and then an Epson salt bath and I feel fine. Yea for all my excercize!!

    • I have the same problem and I drink a glass of fresh lemon water every morning on an empty stomach and it helps !!

    • Beetroot is the answer to your constipation problem. One small cooked beetroot a day will do the job!

    • another remedy i use is warm water with a teaspoon of epsom salts and a tablespoon of molasses, i only use this one however when i am really blocked up. dont make plans for going out anywhere for at least a day after taking this as it will clean your intestines out

    • And are you drinking enough water? Not liquids – water. Because your body pulls water to service your brain and other parts of your body and that can leave your stool very dry and hard as a result.

    • Organic coconut oil is great for constipation. You can eat it off the spoon, add it to your coffee instead of sugar (although don’t let anyone excess coconut oil go down your drain cuz it’ll clog your plumbing). And start out with one tablespoon and work up to 2 tablespoons (too much will give you diarrhea)

    • Ann McGillicuddy

      Epsom salts are also a laxative – with so many not moving their bowels daily (or more) … this is a simple solution. It does help to detox toxins from the body.

    • Try PRUNES. Not only are they good, but they also do the trick. I took whole prunes (not canned) just b/c I liked them. I took too many but boy they certainly worked. I don’t know how many is the right amount, so take it slow.

    • Try using aloe vera gel before you eat (try 1-4 T to see what works best for you). Also, there are Super Enzymes that Now provides to break down protein. Top it off with probiotics and drinking CALM magnesium. This should provide you some serious relief and also help heal your gut. You may want to start making good, hardy soups instead of solid foods.

    • I’ve always suffered from constipation. Recently I started eating a small amount of mixed nuts with raisins. It helped tremendously and actually started going more often and much softer stools. Give it a try.

    • When using Epsom salts for laundry boost are you supposed to mix a certain amount of water with the four cups of Epsom salt? Can someone please clarify?

      • ” Mix 4 cups epsom salts with 20 drops of your favorite essential oil. Add ¼ cup to each load of laundry.” you have essentially 4 cups of a dry mix, and you add 1/4 cup per load. the washing machine water will dissolve it.

  6. I was interested until you said it “detoxes” the body.

    • >MELISSA why are you so afraid of of the word .the body Epsom salts gets rid of toxins that are so bad for our bodies. If you are speaking of your bowel movements , there are many things to help . fish oil or capsules , dates ,prunes , Plain yoghurts Bio .Brown bread .Lots of Vegetables >, sprouts cabbage raw in salads grated or cooked with bacon Irish recipe .

      You can take Epsom salts as a laxative but start off with just a Quater of a spoonful daily in water and if that does not work then try half level tsp full .Taking two tsp is far to much for most people .

  7. I really want to get this information. I do not see where to follow it to get it in email. what am i missing? how do i join this party??

  8. I love this article very interesting

  9. Why not any old salt vs. epsom salts?!

    • Because epsom salt is not a salt – – – it’s a mineral.

    • also Deb any old salt that you buy at the supermarket is not good for you. have a good read of what Sally Fallon has to say about the processing of the salt you buy at the supermarket.



  11. What foods will boost your testosterone levels in a man? My husband is developing some prostate problems send it is becoming more and more difficult to urinate. Any suggestions?

    • 1 Brazil nut a day will help!

      • I don’t see Brazil Nuts the way I used to in the Store. Kroger used to have great big packages they had in the store. I miss them.

        • That is likely because Brazil nuts are very high in selenium, and consuming over 4-8 Brazil nuts per day can cause selenium toxicity. Chronic over consumption can cause more severe symptoms including respiratory issues, kidney failure and cardiac failure, among others. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Selenium-HealthProfessional/

        • i eat two brazill nuts a day. i buy them at my health food store for ten dollars for 8 oz. bag. do not eat more then two of them. i also use magnesium spray on knees to the feet and helps with leg cramps. i have started taking one teaspoon of yellow mustard before going to bed,guess what, no leg or foot cramps. hope this helps.

    • Check his vitamin D level, or just have him take a quality vitamin D supplement.

    • Just to be sure, suggest your husband goes to see an oncologist to have his prostate checked out.
      My mother tells me of how much difficulty my father had in passing water – the time it took – when he was a young man already. This turned out to be a precursor of prostate cancer.

    • Google Nascent Iodine, Dr Gabriel Cousens. 96% of the country is iodine deficient. Iodine is good for 92 different illness & conditions. Great article. If I recall, it is also good for hormone balance too

    • Have him see a urologist to rule out prostatitis or prostate cancer. Do not try to treat this blindly without a diagnosis. Prostate cancer is nearly as prevalent and just as deadly as breast cancer. I know this from the painful experience of losing my husband of nearly 49 years to PCA. By the time he went to the doctor, it was already the equivalent of stage four. He died 3 years later.

  12. You can find some really good books about the uses of Epsom Salts in Barnes and Noble Book Stores, also. I didn’t know about some of these uses before I read them here. Thank you.? There are so many Natural remedies on the market these days and they are all really good ones. Some are easier than others, however. ? Thanks, again for giving us a few uses for Epsom Salt.

  13. Patricia Wiseley

    I have used epsom salts for years & it does work on everything bath, hand & foot soak !

  14. Thank you for giving us this much about the use of Epson salt. I hope I will found it helpful to use.

  15. I was in deep contact with poison ivy. Pulled them out thinking they were weeds. Oh man, lucky was I that I had washed my hands real well before supper, but that was not the case with my arms. They got to be full of blisters. Not only that, I later learned I was allergic to it. My arms were bloated. I tried everything I heard of. Benadryl, calomine lotion, melaleuca, apple cider vinegar and the list goes on. It was unbearable. Constant torture. Nothing was a success in treating poison Ivy until I heard about Epson salts. Well, I took a bath and poured 3 cups of it in the water. With what was at the bottom of the bathtub, I would rub it directly on the blisters. It was an instant relief. It was Paradise!!!!! I would get out of the morning bathtub and feel relief for 12 hours. Then again before going to bed, I would take that miracle bath of Epson salts. The blisters started drying out with my first bath. My arms were covered with scabs. But the blisters do take 21 days to fully come out but after that, they were all dried out and disappeared. After having Popeye’s arm because of the swelling (I could not even see my elbows), I today do not have any markings of it. The only markings I have are in my head. Believe me, I see and keep away from the plant. The doctor told me not to get in contact with the plant for the next 5 years or my reaction will be worse. So Epson salts really do work with poison Ivy.

    • Every Feb. I get Rhus Tox from Whole Foods! I take these tabs for about 3 or 4 months! I can sleep / not that I do/ in poison ivy and will not have a reaction!

    • I wash in Dawn detergent if I am expose to poison ivy.

    • get some goats if you can and have them eat the poison ivy and than get the milk from the female goat .you will never have that problem again. I learned this amazing fact from some loggers in paradice calif. I was clearing 10 acres of trees and brush and like you I had no idea that I was pulling the ivy vine from the logs I was harvesting from the trees .if you can’t get the goats get some aloe vera gel and drink the aloe vera juice this will take care of the problem in 3 days guaranteed !!

  16. Epson salt by definition is a salt, from basic chemistry acid plus base results in the formation of salt and water so just to correct the article at the very beginning it is a salt.

  17. A little FYI that you might not of considered. BABY OIL is made from mineral oil (#3). Mineral oil and petroleum jelly are byproducts of petroleum refinement. Manufacturers use mineral oil in skin care products because it is cheap and easy to obtain. It has several hazards associated with it. It clogs our pores and prevents the skin from “breathing.” It also hinders the natural release of toxins, and it blocks the absorption of any beneficial ingredients applied to the skin, even when applied separately. If you are planning to use it on your baby remember ~ babies put their fingers in their mouths all the time, leading to the hazard of ingestion of the oil. Mineral oil may possibly cause vitamin deficiencies because it is absorbed into the skin, gets processed by the liver, then nutrients get bound by the oil and their absorption becomes blocked.

    • here here! Been trying to pass on this message for years…

    • Excellent comment, and quite in accordance with what I know. Author should not have recommended baby oil. Organic unrefined. cold pressed coconut oil would be much better. And this is perfectly safe for baby to eat. Coconut oil, or the MCT portion, is routinely given to premie and young babies. I’ll bet you won’t find a pediatrician who recommends giving Johnson and Johnson baby oil (mineral oil main ingredient) to babies.

      • Olive ? oil or other safer naturally healing oil.
        Coconut oil can make the skin permeable (open to infection/drying). & Contribute to sunburn.

        Agreed against anything with Petroleum/Mineral oil.

  18. it works wonders

  19. Thank you for a good information I hope that everyone will make sure that she has Epsom salt because its work wonders and l can also witness that because l have tried it when I’m coming from work my legs swollen and my feet so painful l soak them in hot water with Epsom salt it makes a big difference.

  20. Having an arsenal of healthy alternatives is so important these days! Thanks for the post!

  21. Wow Epsom Salts really has many benefits. Would I be able to use it as a nasal spray? I had a sinus operation in April and since then I have had excessive clear watery nasal fluid simply pour out of my nose at very frequent intervals. Apart from being embarrassing, it is uncomfortable as I constantly have to have a tissue handy. Every time I happen to bend my head or just bend down, out pours this clear water-like fluid. Looks like I have dried my hands on my tissue. This is leaving me mentally and physically drained. Please help if you are able to.

    • Be very careful with that, contact your doctor because my internal medicine doctor had me use Epsom salts to help shrink my sinuses when I had a sinus infection. The rinse helped reduce the swelling so the yucky stuff could drain out. Everything has its benefits only when used properly.

    • Please see a good doctor. Your brain tissue could have been nicked during surgery. I have read about similar problems. Do so ASAP.

  22. Epsom Salts #18 – enema – warm water and Epsom Salts can infuse your body with extra magnesium – always a deficiency given modern farming. Also helps with inflammation of the joints.

  23. Thanks I try to use salt on my body for now one.

  24. Rita. I do not want to alarm you but have the runny nose problem checked ASAP. I read about a similar case in which the brain tissue had been nicked and that caused the excessive drainage. Please act quickly.

  25. My vet told me to soak my dog’s foot and ankle in an epsom salt bath to help draw out porcupine quills that had broken off just below the skin level and couldn’t be grasped with tweezers. Worked like a dream. After 20 minutes I was able to grab the quills and pull them out, no surgery, no anesthetic, no vet visit and bill.

  26. Is it a digital products or printed books
    I preper printed book.

    Thank you.

  27. please make print friendly function

    • I drink a lot of hot tea and counted this as my water. 7-8 cups a day. I guess it makes you dehydrated. My blood work came back saying I was dehydrated. What?

  28. Epsom salts lowers the ph of your soil making it great for growing blueberries and other acid loving plants.

  29. This is awesome

  30. Dikeledi Rosina Tlhabadira

    I didin’t know epson salt have so many benefits

  31. Can I use the ordinary brand found in retail stores or should I buy the Epsom salts at pharmaceutical stores? Does it really matter?

    • Hi! This answer depends on you. My brother in law loves his Epsom salt product that is mixed with smelly stuff, that I tried and it burned my skin. I guess he enjoyed the smell and is more used to additives than I am. (He doesn’t believe in eating organic.) I am more sensitive to chemicals, so I went back to the store and picked up pure Epsom salt without the additives and then I was able to enjoy the benefits. I purchased organic Epson Salt at Sprouts. You can even find it at drug stores, as long as it is the only ingredient.

  32. The last couple years I’ve been running for the Epsom salts when the kids have gotten stung by a bee or wasp. Immediate soaking seems to have quickly eliminated the pain.

  33. where can I get EPSOM SALTS

  34. This would be nice to be able to print. I would keep it in my recipe book, just like my favorite recipes
    to be able to refer to in a hurry.

  35. Epsom salt: Firstly, there is Epsom salt and Food Grade Epsom salt – used internally (as a mild laxative and magnesium supplementation + + +). Epsom for a bath. My story: in unfortunate circumstances, 8 hornets stung at once that “cleared all my skin wrinkles…” (swollen). Wife dumped me into Epsom salt COLD bath for 20 min (1/2 bucket of the Epson). Worked magic. Also for liver cleansing – 1 tblsp of food grade to glass of non-chlorinated water at 6 pm then another at 8 pm then 1/3 glass of extra virgin olive oil + 1/3 glass of red grapefruit juice – shake and drink. Upon waking up 3rd glass of water w/ Epson like before and 2 h later 4th glass w/ Epson. Then – you do NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE as you are going to have diarrhea like never before. Next day you will feel like ready to fly.


    • sure, as long as it’s for personal use and not shared/sold as that would be copyright infringement 🙂

    • IGiovanna if your husband is having problems urinating he should go and speak with his doctor straight away.
      There are a few different problems that could be causing this.

  37. I’m a little confused. I know that my grandma used epsom salt back in the days as a natural remedy for ailments such as muscle aches, bee stings, upset stomach and eye washes, just to name a few, but I recently read that epsom salts were not good for you because of the sulfur content. Not sure where I read this at but just reading that information stuck with me. Not long ago sulfur was removed from shampoos . So if the sulfur was removed from shampoos, obviously it a harmful to ones health. PLEASE EXPLAIN.

  38. Can Epsom Salt help calluses on your feet, I’ve done everything from putting vaseline on my feet with socks every night, shaving them off , cutting them off nothing works. After awhile the calluses get so hard they burn and hurt. Please reply

  39. I really appreciate you and all the information that you give FREELY…without long winded annoying videos etc….

  40. I would like to know if there is help for tremors, please.

  41. I just discovered this site! Love it. How do I sign up to received emails? Thanks.

  42. Epsom Salts are wonderful

    I use them for my PROLAPSE
    Helps keep it from Moving down where it doe not belong.

  43. Epsom salt is good to the liver too.

  44. I’m going to share all of this information

  45. I found this so informative i enjoy reading it my mother used it all the time

  46. I love to learn, at 85. This is a great site. Hope to read more articles in here. Thank you so much for helping
    us who want to help others, God bless you.

  47. Would Epsom salt work for a bath on my 16 year old cat? He is long haired and his fur gets knots in it all over his body. Took him to the vet last year and the vet shaved them off of him. I brushed him got them out and the next morning he had them back plus more.

  48. I would love to stay informed. Great site. Leaving my name and email address.

  49. Hi have you all ever try Epsom salt and baking soda together in your bath it makes your skin so soft and moist. Try it you will love it. Let know how you all enjoy it.

  50. ES mixed in with the battery acid in a dead old auto battery will help revive it for a while. Not permanent, but if you have a non-sealed battery and need a boost it does work, I’ve tried it.

  51. I’ve learned a lot about uses for epson salt. i have a lot of aches and pains. i’m a diabetic with neuropathy in my feet and hands. Sometimes i soak my feet in epson salt which gives relief. I’ve bpoght all kinds of creams and gels to massage on my feet. i wear socks all day and night. I have a pacemaker, also.

    • Working well for neuropathy is a 3 supplement program, 600 mg. alpha lipoic acid, benfotiamine( a special B1 vitamin), along with vitamin C everyday…..I work at a reputable health food store under a certified nutritionist

  52. My dad got sores that would not heal, used epsom salt and baking soda, dab of water , make to paste, put on sores and leave on 30 minutes, get in bath and add epsom salt 4 cups to bath, soak all for 30 minutes went to doctor 8 months never healed up, with this it healed in about 5 to 6 days.

  53. fantastic information. I always have Epsom Salts on hand, but did not know the many, many safe uses. Thank you for this great information.

  54. Hulda Clarke wrote a book “How to cure all cancers” (and four other books).
    It used to be on line so you can down load the book for free.
    and in it is a recipe using epsom salts for the removal of gall stones
    I have helped several people remove over a hundred gall stones with the recipe.
    Just follow it exactly. Make it the weekend because you will not only open the
    gall bladder ducts but the diarohea will flush the stones out painlessly.
    Thank you for this wonderful site. God bless.

  55. Thank you for sharing your stories and blessings. Love and Prayers to everyone.

  56. Appreciate the effort you made to share the blog.

  57. Is epsom salt good for insect bites and flea bites

  58. would epsom salts help skin with ‘grovers disease ‘- there is no medical cure – just have to wait and let it run its course – maybe more than a year …… sore and itchy. thankyou .

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