Tag Archives: alzheimers

9 Easy Ways To Make Your Coffee Healthier

Today’s blog is republished from my friends at PaleoHacks, a leading publisher of daily health tips that I personally read every day. By Casey Thaler, PaleoHacks.com Coffee: since 54% of Americans over the age of 18 (1) drink this delicious beverage on a daily basis, some education on making coffee healthier is in order. Unfortunately, a large majority of coffee …

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Monkfruit–The Curiously Sweet, Low Calorie Natural Sweetener

By: Cat Ebeling, RN, MSN-PHN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix You may have seen an interesting new ingredient on your healthy food products lately and have been wondering exactly what it is. Monk fruit, or lo han guo, is a small green melon from China with a very sweet taste—but …

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7 Reversible Health Conditions That Can Mimic Dementia


By: Cat Ebeling, RN, MSN-PHN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix If you’ve ever forgotten where you parked your car, lost your keys in your own house, or walked into a room and forgot why you went there, you are not alone. We all have days like that. But often as …

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Foods to Heal Your Brain


By: Cat Ebeling, RN, MSN-PHN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix Alzheimer’s, depression, anxiety, OCD, bipolar, schizophrenia, behavioral problems, ADD/ADHD—the list goes on and on. Mental health issues are increasing by the day. Pharmaceutical companies make massive amounts of money treating mental health, mood and behavioral disorders. In fact, Americans spend …

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Statins and Type 2 Diabetes Risk


By: Cat Ebeling, BSN,co-author of the best-sellers: The Fat Burning Kitchen,The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging&The Diabetes Fix If you have type 2 diabetes and you take a statin drug, you might start noticing a phrase that’s ridiculously overused… “The benefits outweigh the risks.” Has your doctor ever said that to you? There are plenty of risks and they’re …

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Baba Ghanoush


By: Cat Ebeling, BSN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix Baba Ghanoush, or Baba Ghanouj, is a traditional Mediterranean puree of eggplant flavored with tahini (sesame seed paste), lemon juice, garlic and fresh herbs. It is also loaded with lots of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant ingredients that stabilize blood sugar and decrease …

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Does this chemical in your Cheerios or oatmeal cause Cancer?


By: Cat Ebeling, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix Your kids’ favorite oat cereals, oatmeal, granola and snack bars come with a heavy dose of the weed-killing poison glyphosate. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Monsanto’s well-known weed-killer, “Roundup”. Monsanto made big news recently, as a result of losing a $289-million-dollar …

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Green Tea or Black Tea—Which is Healthier?


By: Cat Ebeling, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix Tea has been a beloved and highly prized healthy drink, and both green and black teas have been around for thousands of years. Next to water, tea is probably one of the most consumed drinks in the world. While green tea often …

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OLIVES: This low-carb snack fights inflammation, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, and even helps you lose weight


Plus a LOT of other health benefits from this high-fat superfood! By: Cat Ebeling  Co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix This ONE Low Carb Snack Can Save Your Life, Prevent Alzheimer’s, Help You Lose Weight AND Look Younger! You’ve seen them on every relish tray, in garnishes, in salads, and …

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