Tag Archives: depression

Candida overgrowth – This Sneaky Fungus Can Take Over Your Body

By: Cat Ebeling, RN, MSN-PHN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix Your body is a host to many types of bacteria, yeasts, and fungi. Some good, some not so good. One of the most common types of fungi in the body is candida albicans. Perhaps you’ve heard of candida before, maybe …

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Your Seasonal Allergy Toolkit

By: Cat Ebeling, RN, MSN-PHN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix Don’t you love spring? The days get longer, the sun is warmer, and the birds are chirping. What’s more, everything is budding and flowering. And that brings us to…allergies. If you have seasonal allergies, instead of enjoying the beauty of …

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32 Signs Fungus Might Be Taking Over Your Body


Today’s blog is republished from my friends at TheAlternativeDaily, a leading publisher of daily alternative health tips that I personally read every day… The original article can be found here: I bet if you looked in the mirror you wouldn’t say to yourself, “I look a little fungusy today.” More than likely, you don’t really know what it looks like …

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Cow Milk vs. Goat Milk vs. Sheep Milk—Which is Healthier?


By: Cat Ebeling, RN, MSN-PHN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix Cow’s milk has been around for thousands of years, but many people either have a lactose intolerance, dairy allergy, or may be following a special diet and avoid dairy cow products entirely. Because of this, there is an explosion of …

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Five Things that can Destroy Your Thyroid


By: Cat Ebeling, RN, MSN-PHN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix Your thyroid gland is a small butterfly shaped gland that sits in your neck. It is responsible for important bodily functions such as breathing rate, heart rate, digestion, energy, weight gain or loss, and even your moods. The thyroid gland …

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Natural Alternative Methods to Help Depression and Anxiety


By: Cat Ebeling, RN, MSN-PHN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix We all get down occasionally, and that’s ok. This is a normal part of life’s ups and downs. Kids grow up and move out, a parent dies, a relationship ends, the seasons change, disappointments in career, etc. Luckily, these things …

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The Diet and Anxiety Connection


By: Cat Ebeling, RN, MSN-PHN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix We seem to be a nation of anxious people. And yes, the events of the past couple years can make us more anxious, but a lot of anxiety is just generalized anxiety. Anxiety can also add to irritability, anger and …

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The Real Reason You are Tired All the Time


By: Cat Ebeling, RN, MSN-PHN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix One of the biggest complaints that many people mention is fatigue. So many of us complain of being tired all the time. No matter how common it seems, feeling exhausted all the time is just not normal or healthy. It’s …

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9 Good Reasons to Eat Salt


By: Cat Ebeling, RN, MSN-PHN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix Salt. The salt of the earth. A vital electrolyte for our bodies to function—without salt, we can die. However, salt is almost always at the top of the “foods to avoid” list. It seems the entire medical profession and along …

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Why Hamburgers are the Perfect Food


By: Cat Ebeling, RN, MSN-PHN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix Sorry vegans and veggie-burger lovers, you’re not going to like this. I believe hamburgers are the perfect food. I mean hamburgers from REAL, red meat from grass-grazed cattle raised sustainably. Why is hamburger the perfect food? Let’s talk beef first. …

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