Tag Archives: joint pain

32 Signs Fungus Might Be Taking Over Your Body

Today’s blog is republished from my friends at TheAlternativeDaily, a leading publisher of daily alternative health tips that I personally read every day… The original article can be found here: I bet if you looked in the mirror you wouldn’t say to yourself, “I look a little fungusy today.” More than likely, you don’t really know what it looks like …

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13 Feel-Good Hip Openers


Today’s informational blog is republished from our friends at PaleoHacks. Are your tight hips putting a cramp in your lifestyle? Tight hips can lead to back pain and sciatica, and prevent you from doing activities that you enjoy. Try these 13 feel-good hip openers to loosen those muscles today. Whether it’s an occasional twinge or a full-blown injury, having tight …

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7 Reversible Health Conditions That Can Mimic Dementia


By: Cat Ebeling, RN, MSN-PHN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix If you’ve ever forgotten where you parked your car, lost your keys in your own house, or walked into a room and forgot why you went there, you are not alone. We all have days like that. But often as …

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Asian Spicy Pork Meatballs with Pineapple-Mango Salsa


By: Cat Ebeling, BSN, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix Sure, to be a hit at any party—any time of the year! These delicious meatballs have an exotic Asian flavor and taste fantastic served with fresh pineapple-mango salsa! Pineapple salsa not only tastes great with this delicious recipe but its ability …

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23 Peppermint Oil Uses to Naturally Boost Your Health


Today’s blog is republished from my friends at Paleohacks, a leading publisher of daily alternative health tips that I personally read every day… By: Megan Patiry Peppermint oil has been used for thousands of years across ancient Greece, Egypt, and Rome for its medicinal properties (1). Now that research on peppermint if is well established, there has been a resurgence …

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17 Amazing Uses for Epsom Salt… Some You Won’t Believe


Today’s blog republished from my friends at TheAlternativeDaily is going to explain the potential benefits of Epsom salts. Please read on to discover the amazing benefits of this super-mineral… Epsom salt, which is not really a salt at all but a mineral compound comprised of magnesium and sulfate, gets its named from a saline spring at Epsom in Surrey, England. …

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