The TRUTH about Coffee & Cancer (California ruling: Coffee needs a cancer warning label)

By: Cat Ebeling, co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning KitchenThe Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix

Earlier this year, a judge in California ruled that coffee should carry a cancer warning label. The ruling says that Starbucks, 7-11, and other coffee retailers must carry a warning label on every cup of coffee sold, due to the acrylamide content in the coffee.

This seems like an ODD ruling since we know of dozens of studies that show decreased cancer risks among coffee drinkers.

So, what exactly is acrylamide? Acrylamide is a compound that results from the roasting process of coffee and many other foods that are baked or roasted.  Acrylamides are present in many of our foods including: french fries, potato chips, corn chips, cereal, breads, cookies, crackers, beer and more.

Starchy carbohydrates cooked at high temperatures, especially those that are cooked to a golden brown or dark brown color usually contain the highest amounts of acrylamides. Potato chips and french fries are, by far, some of the worst offenders. Take a look at some of these levels (amounts are approximate, and depend on cooking time and heat):

  • Potato chips – 546 micrograms/kg
  • French fries – 698 micrograms/kg
  • Breakfast cereal – 131 micrograms/kg
  • Coffee – 8 micrograms/kg

Check out this FDA website for a more complete listing of tested foods and acrylamide levels. You will see that coffee contains very low levels of acrylamide compared to many other foods.

If you look at those listings above, you can see that cereal has on average 16x more acrylamides than coffee, and potato chips and french fries have almost 100x more acrylamides than coffee!  So why is California picking on coffee, when it appears that french fries are 100x more dangerous than coffee in terms of acrylamide content?  In addition, french fries and potato chips contain inflammatory refined vegetable oils, which would actually ADD to the cancer risk of those foods, whereas coffee is loaded with antioxidants that actually protect us against carcinogens.

Acrylamides were discovered in 2002 and have been found in many foods that are heated above 120 degrees or cooked to a golden brown. Starbucks and many other (dark roast) coffees are often roasted to a deep brown color, thereby increasing their acrylamide content.

The acrylamide controversy has been a part of an eight-year struggle between the Council for Education and Research on Toxics and the big coffee companies like Starbucks. California’s proposition 65, which was passed in 1986, puts cancer warnings on many substances; some of them worthy, some ridiculous.

The World Health Organization, (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) stated that levels of acrylamides in certain foods pose a “major concern” and more research is needed to determine the dangers. Since french fries, potato chips and cereals contain much higher amounts of acrylamides (up to 100x more), it seems a bit silly to have this warning on coffee but no other foods.

A few studies concluded there was an increased cancer risk in mice and rats fed acrylamide, but those studies used levels of acrylamide that was between 1,000 and 10,000 times higher than levels people get from food. Thus far, there have not been very convincing studies in humans to demonstrate that acrylamide is indeed a carcinogen. In fact, a review of more than 1,000 studies failed to find a consistent link between drinking coffee and at least 20 different types of cancer, according to scientists from the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a WHO group.

Len Lichtenfeld, the deputy chief medical officer for the American Cancer Society in Atlanta says, “Most experts are going to look at the risk of acrylamide in coffee and conclude that this is not something that’s going to have a meaningful impact on human health.”

The fact of the matter is, coffee drinking, especially organic coffee, grown at high altitudes, has numerous scientifically supported major health benefits. Cancer prevention is very high on coffee’s list of attributes.

Coffee has been shown to protect the liver against cancer because of its caffeine content, chlorogenic acid and blanksubstances called diterpenes. Coffee also protects post-menopausal women against breast cancer. Those women who drank the equivalent of four cups a day actually had a 10% lower risk of breast cancer. Women drinking coffee also had a significantly less risk of endometrial cancer, and uterine cancer, according to the Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers, and Prevention journal.

You can also add oral, gastric, and colon cancer protection to that growing list as well—especially the lighter roasts. While the darker roasts had similar anti-cancer properties, the lighter roasts won out for the highest protective factors.

Coffee contains a variety of powerful antioxidants, as I have written about earlier, that contain a variety of massive health benefits—far greater than any perceived risk of cancer from the acrylamides it contains. Several studies from around the world including France, Japan, Poland and Spain, have concluded that coffee is one of the biggest single sources of antioxidants in our diets. According to the October 2015 issue of Science News, and other important nutrition and scientific journals, coffee protects a wide variety of major health issues. Some of those include:

  • Type 2 DiabetesStudies suggest that drinking 3-4 cups of coffee per day is associated with a 25% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, compared to consuming none or less than 2 cups per day. Research suggests a dose responsive relationship with coffee.
  • Parkinson’s–In a prospective study, people who drank about four cups of caffeinated coffee daily were one-fourth less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease than those who drank very little, researchers reported in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 2012.
  • Dementia–In a 2012 study, researchers monitored 32 older people with mild cognitive impairment. The individuals who had the highest levels of caffeine were less likely to progress to dementia, than those who did not ingest caffeine, scientists reported in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. It is thought that the poly­phenols, in addition to the caffeine in the coffee helped with brain function.
  • Depression–In a 10-year study of 50,000 U.S. women, those drinking four cups of caffeinated coffee a day were 20 percent less likely to have depression than those consuming very little, according to a report in Archives of Internal Medicine in 2011.
  • Heart disease and stroke–Demographic studies suggest coffee offers protection against heart disease by helping to prevent blood clots.
  • Kidney function–A group of young people drank three cups of coffee a day, and showed significant improved kidney function, according to Japanese researchers reported in 2011 in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism.

Coffee helps to activate the NRF2 pathway in the body, a system that fights oxidative stress, neutralizes toxins, and targets cancer cells. The NRF2 pathway has been identified as being one of the most important anti-aging and disease-fighting components in the human body.

In the intestines, coffee helps to encourage the growth of beneficial Bifidobacteria, part of a healthy microbiome. These little critters help to regulate and protect the digestive system, immune function, and mental health.

Coffee is a fat-burning beverage, increasing heart rate, breathing and metabolism—meaning youblank actually burn more calories. Caffeine is also excellent for keto dieters–breaking down fat cells more efficiently and freeing up fats in the body to burn for energy. In fact, converting fat to energy is 30% more effective with caffeine.

Coffee also elevates your mood, banishes depression, and helps you feel more energetic, but be careful—too much can cause jitteriness and anxiety in some people.

Coffee is known to improve athletic performance as well. Caffeine has been shown repeatedly to increase endurance, speed, power, and shorten recovery time. While part of this is due to the effect of caffeine, another part may be due to the high levels of antioxidants in coffee. So, a cup of ‘joe’ before your workout or competition will help you go harder and longer!

This recent report from Purdue University shows coffee as being one of the richest sources of polyphenols (antioxidants) in the Western diet. Coffee contains abundant levels of phenolics, chlorogenic acid, and caffeic acid. Coffee also helps to decrease inflammatory markers, including interleukin-18 and 8-isoprostane.

Coffee protects your health by reducing adiponectin levels by 6 or more percent. Low levels of adiponectin are associated with obesity, diabetes, inflammation, lipid abnormalities, insulin resistance and NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease), heart disease, and cancer.

How to Maximize the Health Benefits of Your Coffee

  • Use fresh, whole, ORGANIC beans which maximizes the antioxidants in the coffee and minimizes toxins. Light roast contains slightly higher levels of antioxidants and caffeine than dark roast, but both types still have health benefits. The type of coffee you buy and drink makes a huge difference, as it does for many other foods. Coffee is often highly sprayed with pesticides and herbicides, so it is best to drink organic coffee if at all possible.
  • Drink your coffee black, or with organic REAL cream. Avoid adding refined sugar, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, or fake non-dairy ‘creamer’.  For natural sweetness, try a small drizzle of maple syrup, stevia, monk fruit, or coconut sugar. Organic, REAL grass-fed cream is divine and is available in most grocery stores in the US under the Organic Valley brand. Coconut cream from a can is also delicious in coffee and loaded with healthy, fat burning medium chain triglycerides, to help you burn fat and boost metabolism.  If you like the idea of “bulletproof coffee”, try adding a dollop of grass-fed butter and coconut oil to your coffee and blend into a froth for a delicious frothy healthy fat coffee that goes perfect if you’re on a keto diet or any low-carb diet.
  • Avoid coffee from big chain coffee shops if possible. These coffees are generally NOT organic, and full of pesticides and herbicides. Purchasing organic coffee grown at high altitudes means that it contains the highest levels of antioxidants.  Many smaller coffee shops contain organic coffee more frequently.  Or just buy your own organic beans and make it at home so you know it’s organic and free of pesticides and fungicides.
  • Boost the antioxidant power by adding cinnamon, which also helps control blood sugar and has many other benefits. Organic cocoa powder is another delicious and healthy addition to your morning coffee. Cocoa is high in magnesium, antioxidants, and helps lower blood pressure.

The bottom line is that coffee consumption was associated with a lower risk of death, overall. Given all the above scientific studies on coffee and health, don’t you find the California ruling for a warning label on coffee a bit ridiculous? I do.

I can only conclude that this particular judge just does not like coffee. If you are concerned about the (dubious) connection between acrylamides and cancer, avoid french fries, potato and corn chips, cereals, bread, cookies and crackers. They contain much higher levels of acrylamides. Those processed grain-based foods have already been shown to be detrimental to your health, and arylamide is just one more reason to avoid those foods.

Enjoy sipping your organic coffee and worry not! Here’s to your health and wellbeing!

The Death of Black Coffee:

Latest studies have found that 1 tiny tweak to your morning coffee puts your body into fat-burn ing mode for the rest of the day.

This coffee trick takes less than 10 seconds…

Yet, it instantly ignites your metabolism and boosts your health, energy and well-being at the same time!

Here’s to an amazing start to your day 🙂

====> Try This 10 Sec Fat-Burning Coffee Trick!




Sisson, Mark, 2016. Retrieved from
Authority Nutrition, 2018. Retrieved from
Ebeling, Catherine, 2016. Retrieved from
Seppa, Nathan, 2015. Science News. Retrieved from
Englehaupt, Erika, 2018. Science News. Retrieved from
CBS, 2018. Retrieved from

About The Watchdog

Mike Geary has been a Certified Nutrition Specialist and Certified Personal Trainer for over 15 years now. He has been studying nutrition and exercise for almost 25 years, ever since being a young teenager. Mike is originally from Pennsylvania, but has fallen in love with mountain life and now resides in the picturesque mountains of Utah. Mike is an avid adventurist and when he’s not spending his time skiing, mountain biking, hiking, or paddleboarding on the lake, he has enjoyed skydiving, whitewater rafting, piloting an Italian fighter plane (seriously), scuba diving, heli-skiing, and traveling all around the world, enjoying learning about different cultures. At the age of 40, Mike now feels healthier, stronger, and more energetic than when he was 20... All because of a healthy lifestyle and great nutrition!

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  1. great, coffee with coconut butter and cinnamon instead of sugar….. yes i sometimes add cocoa too, and also sometimes maca powder

  2. You and, based upon your report, the Judge, missed the greater health danger from coffee by not emphasizing the hazards from all the pesticides, fungicides, etc, that are used in the growing, preserving and processing of non-organic coffee. Then there are the solvents used to reduce the caffeine for decaf !!!

    A major health hazard from coffee comes from the polystyrene and plastic lined paper cups that are leeching estrogenic hormone mimicking compounds. Yes, carcinogens. Maybe the amount of acrylamides are not high enough to be of concern, but all those healthful reasons you listed for drinking coffee, are sabotaged if you are drinking non-organic coffee out of throw-away chemical laden cups.

    • thank you for your comments! Appreciate it!

    • thank you Debra for, excellent points.

    • You are correct ‘bout the service industry’s toxic Burden… the info I read on this article was more on the coffee contents..!!! Your thorough head’s up on the realities of the commercial cornucopia of the’Eden’sTree of Knowledge inherent ToxicologY oVerload is real ayn’ the urgent necessitY(s) of sharing your truth needs serious distribution…!!! Go…!!! Be a teacher ayn’ spread the liVin’ truth of eating from the Tree of Life.”Organic”.!! Stomp ‘the hell out of hell’ chemical farming that sprouted from the war industry at the end of WWII… that’s. approX. 74 yrs. ayn’ you wonder why we , the US , are one of the unhealthiest nations… Go figure..!!. Where ever you go, spread the liVin’ truth on that which brings health and not sickness..!!!
      It’ not just coffee or the water or the food or the home’s ‘off gasing but also what we think, speak ayn’ do because our genes respond to our internaI
      environment… ‘Epigenetics’ reflects this
      reality… Go in peace, spread the living truth ayn’ rise to your full potential of who you truly are.. Ask ayn’ you will receive, seek ayn’ you will find and knock ayn’ the door will open.. Our country needs leaders… “Run with it..!!”
      “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.!!”
      “Your body never lies, …. if you know how to read o listen to it, it will tell you eVerything you need to know.!!”
      May the light of light shine bright.. may the truth of truth open all obstacles ayn’ may The loVe of loves heal all; physically, mentally, emotionally ayn’ spirituallly..!!
      Go ayn’ be at peace..!!!

  3. Approximately 2-3 years ago I read a very informative article on drinking coffee from Brazil and I never forgot it… Maybe I never forgot it because many years ago we were friendly with a family from Brazil who grew the beans for a famous coffee company. Because we we were involved in the Gem Business we taught this family
    how to retrieve Genuine Aquamarines from among the roots of the trees. For generations the children were playing with these blue rocks & throwing them at each other.
    Fast the article I read in a scientific magazine. All kinds of chemicals are put into the roots of the coffee trees in order to perpetuate their 10 year growth period. The article stated that coffee can never be grown organically in Brazil..Since then I buy only organic coffee, light or medium roast and not from Brazil.

    • That’s really interesting about the Brazilian method of coffee production and chemicals being put into the roots of the trees Lucille. Thank you for putting that GEM of information out there. And incredible – blue stones such an abundant natural resource, no value was seen in them.

      In a similar way, we humans tend to take for granted the gifts we have, because our particular gifts might be so easy and natural to us, that we never for a moment put any value on that skill, talent or behaviour. But to others, that very gift might be a scarce resource. Thanks Lucille.

  4. Awe!
    Love Utah too!
    Torn twix here & there.

  5. While this may be something to be aware, I believe the more important issue with toxicity in coffee
    is toxic “molds” and “pesticides”. That is why it is important if a person is going to drink coffee, at
    least drink ORGANIC……..and drink it black with no sugars or creams/milk.

  6. Howard Schultz recently announced that he may run for the presidency. The Democrats did not like it answer even went as far as suggesting he just support the DNC. Maybe the judge is firing a shot overlay the bow of Star Bucks. Little I know but Dems are ruthles.

  7. I’ve been looking for a post similar to this for a long time.

  8. I was searching for up to date information on this subject for a couple of days.
    Now I am satisfied as I have finally attained your article.

  9. Please could you do a post about decaffinated coffee. I had to give up caffeine in my 30s as it was making me anxious, jittery, playing havoc with my sleep and my skin. I am still a massive coffee lover though and drink probably 4 cups of decaf a day. I drink the organic decaf from the clipper brand at home and buy organic decaf from smaller independent chains near where I live in London. Although I love it and struggle to cut down, it does worry me that I may be causing myself a cancer risk. Please can you elaborate on this post with a section on decaf? Or a new post just for us decaf fans? Thanks!

  10. Fark California!

  11. It’s important to buy organic coffee. It is one product that is not regulated as to which chemicals were used to grow it in other countries. It could be grown with Agent Orange or another chemical that has been banned for use on our crops at home. We wouldn’t be told that. So, buy organic.

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