What Your Farts Are Trying To Tell You

Today’s blog is republished from my friends at TheAlternativeDaily, a leading publisher of daily alternative health tips that I personally read every day…

By Krista Hillis, TheAlternativeDaily.com

There are some things that remain unchanged from child to adulthood — and giggling when you toot is one of them. Whether you blame it on the dog or your husband, passing gas is a normal bodily function. However, is it possible to fart too often? Are your daily farts trying to tell you something? If you have noticed that you’re overly gassy lately, here’s what you need to know.

What are farts, anyway?

The average person farts nearly every day, so what is it that we’re passing? Also known as “flatulence,” a fart is simply an internal build-up of gas. More specifically, farts are made up of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen, methane and hydrogen. What a lovely little gaseous cocktail, eh

Although these gases are formed during the process of respiration and digestion, the true cause of excessive gas will depend on personal circumstances. For the most part, farts are silent and odorless. It’s estimated that only around one percent of farts produce a foul smell.

No need to be embarrassed. It’s quite natural and, in many cases, healthy! In fact, a healthy person may pass gas around 15 to 20 times per day. But is that a “normal” standard?

What causes farting?


There are a number of reasons why gas gets trapped in the body, including swallowing air, constipation and changes in microflora. When someone begins to experience an excessive buildup of gas, this may mean:

  • You’re suffering from intolerances or food allergies
  • You’re experiencing bacterial overgrowth
  • You are constipated
  • You are experiencing symptoms of IBS, Crohn’s, etc.
  • Fermentation is occurring within the gut

More often than not, farting is harmless. It is a normal metabolic function. And for those who consume plenty of fiber-rich foods, increased flatulence may indicate a diet that promotes positive health. Take beans, for example, a food that’s known to cause gas. This is due to the type of carbohydrates which ferment in the gut.

In that sense, I’m not going to throw out a “magic” number. How many times you fart during the day may vary. Do not focus too much on how often you’re farting, but why you are passing more gas than usual. What other symptoms, if any, have you noticed?

Am I an excessive farter?

If you have noticed that you’re overly gassy lately, start to keep track. How many times did you break wind throughout the day? What did you eat? Start to document these key pieces of information.

Although tooting more than 23 to 25 times daily is considered to be more than normal, if you’re farting more than that, there’s still no need to panic. A good rule of thumb is this: if excessive gas and bloating affect your quality of life, then it’s best to get a professional opinion.

In many cases, it’s something as simple as lactose intolerance. If you’re suffering from excessive gas and bloating, however, you may want to focus on the following possibilities:

1. You’re a fast eater


Do your loved ones often tell you to slow down when you’re eating? Do you eat quickly when you’re on-the-go? Perhaps you chew a lot of gum? Either way, when you eat rapidly, you tend to swallow more air. Once that air (made up of various gases) gets into your body, it has to come out somehow. If you don’t burp it up, you may find that it’s coming out the other end.

2. Your gut is imbalanced

As mentioned, a small percentage of farts are those stinky bombs that make this act so embarrassing. You would think that rotten farts indicate something is the matter, but this isn’t necessarily the case. Generally speaking, stinky gas is generally caused by the breakdown of sulfur.

Since there are many healthy foods that contain sulfur, including broccoli and beans, stinky gas does not automatically indicate poor health. With that being said, if you notice that the stench of your farts is overly awful — and your diet is less than ideal — this could mean you’re suffering from an underlying condition.

If you’re farting often, you may think that you’re unhealthy. But the truth is, passing gas can mean that your gut is being properly fed. The healthy microbes that live in our gut, are known to promote a wide range of health benefits. In order for these microbes to get nutrients, we must eat foods that cause gas.

When there’s undigested food in the large intestine, including fiber and other hard-to-digest carbs, these microbes get to work. In turn, more gas is created — as well as short-chain fatty acids, which promote the growth of other beneficial bacteria.

Farting is healthy, just not too much

I think this is important to mention, as it’s often recommended that we eat more probiotics. However, fiber is equally critical. Based on a recent study, published in Cell, researchers found that microbes need fiber in order to maintain optimal health. When they do not get natural fiber as a food source, they can actually begin to eat the layer of mucus that lines the gut — potentially leading to infection.

So, passing wind while consuming a healthy diet is fairly normal — but excessive gas could also mean you’re suffering from SIBO, or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Normally, the majority of bacteria is found inside the colon, but in this case, bacteria begins to invade the small intestine.

In turn, individuals experience poor nutrient absorption and symptoms often associated with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Along with increased flatulence, you may also experience bloating, fatigue, skin rashes and weight loss. If this is the case, you will need to address your current diet. Implement herbal remedies, including the use of lemon balm and oregano oil.

3. You’re sensitive to gluten or dairy


Even if you have been eating dairy your whole life without any noticeable issues, your system can change as you age. Over the course of time, your body may no longer produce enough lactase. The same is true for those who can not properly break down gluten — which is the case among those with celiac disease.

Whenever you believe something in your diet is to blame for any abnormal symptoms, including excessive flatulence, it’s best to try an elimination diet. Stop eating all dairy, for instance, and then see how you feel. Continue this process, focusing on FODMAP carbohydrates, including wheat, dairy, onions, garlic, legumes and stone fruit (cherries and peaches).

Although many FODMAP carbohydrates are healthy, they can be hard to break down. Each individual is different, so it’s best to keep a food journal and identify key triggers. Once you better understand the cause, you can create a more effective action plan.

Listen to your body

From hormonal changes to constipation, there are a number of reasons why you may be tootin’ more often. As mentioned, unless you fart a lot (30 or more times daily), or you’re finding that excessive flatulence is affecting your quality of life, your body is more than likely just doin’ its thing.

Like all symptoms, your body is trying to communicate with you. The more in-tune you are, the easier it will be to maintain positive health. So, listen to your body. In this case, your farts will do all the talking.

The original source of this article is found here

“Speaking of digestive issues…”

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About The Watchdog

Mike Geary has been a Certified Nutrition Specialist and Certified Personal Trainer for over 15 years now. He has been studying nutrition and exercise for almost 25 years, ever since being a young teenager. Mike is originally from Pennsylvania, but has fallen in love with mountain life and now resides in the picturesque mountains of Utah. Mike is an avid adventurist and when he’s not spending his time skiing, mountain biking, hiking, or paddleboarding on the lake, he has enjoyed skydiving, whitewater rafting, piloting an Italian fighter plane (seriously), scuba diving, heli-skiing, and traveling all around the world, enjoying learning about different cultures. At the age of 40, Mike now feels healthier, stronger, and more energetic than when he was 20... All because of a healthy lifestyle and great nutrition!

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  1. I had kale for lunch with mash potatoe chicken in breadcrms and Yorkshire puddings and gravy and I only have black tea and I use honey not sugar. I also have Ready Break for breakfast x x x I don’t have milk I only eat little chicken n fish

    • Remember – kale is (leaf) cabbage.

      • I ate kale once and it was back during aww2. aback then we didn’t have the insecticides and herbicides that we have now. I understand tha kale absorbs them easily so I don’t eat it at all.

        • Ohh. I didn’t realize that. Glad I grow my own in the garden. I’ll keep that in mind at the grocery store and get organic only if needing fresh not some I’ve vac packed and frozen.

    • In my case, I believe flatulence is caused by the following a) an overactive stomach. It is overactive with normal food, it is overactive with difficult-to-digest food and and it is overactive with imaginary difficult-to-digest food e.g. an ulcer.
      Due to having had ulcers for many years before I cleared them up, my stomach is not 100%. I believe that that not all food is being fully digested, that undigested food passes to the small intestine and colon where it is digested by bacteria and the bacteria produce gas as part of digesting process.
      Finally, I do not agree with the statement by the article-writer that ” For the most part, farts are silent and odorless. It’s estimated that only around one percent of farts produce a foul smell” . I would suggest that 99% of farts produce a smell.

      • Paddy – there seems to be a misunderstanding – very little food (starches and alcohol apart) is “digested” in the stomach – rather it is “prepared” there for the real digestion, in the small intestine.

        Your stomach challenges are something else. I wish you luck with them, for they are most debilitating. For most people, the “chyme” from the stomach does not cause gas. Chron’s Disease, lactose intolerance, casein intolerance an celiac disease are damages to the linings of the intestine from various causes. SIBO apart – it is the colonic bacteria that cause most gas – and really smelly gas is linked to a high sulphur diet (onions, legumes, cabbage family). I eat large qualities of all of them, yet suffer few noisome farts. So it is very much an individual respose.


  2. years ago in the USAF (Reserves mostly) every so many years we had to attend an altitude chamber class, and ride. Like TopGun yes. On the assent they told us “DO NOT HOLD IT IN”, belches or farts. As one climbs in altitude, especially quickly, that gas has to go! When we dropped our masks at ‘altitude’ OMG the smell. In the cockpit it was always polite to claim ownership and discreetly say over interphone “Howdy” when passing gas.
    In our older years especially it can also occur during sex! Either gotta both laugh, or ignore

  3. I have issues of bloating I hate it if my stomach is bloated my entire day is awful I eat healthy organic lifestyle I’m a juicer I’m 53 yrs old I go to the Gym I just dont know what to do

    • Cut down on the juicing, it removes fiber from Whatever you are juicing and makes it harder to digest. Is also raises your sugar consumption .

    • stop juicing. you must chew your food so the saliva can help digestion.

    • Just take enzymes. Juicing is great for you if done in the right combination. Check out Gerson Therapy. He used green drinks and carrot/apple juices plus detox to cure cancer patients and later the chronically ill, like people with autoimmune disorders.

    • Sally, are you doing better? I’ve had gas problems since I was a teenager, but thankfully I found out through a Natural doctor I really needed enzymes. The problem does NOT get better. We decrease our enzyme output as we get older. Look me up on FB if you’d like! Martha Sluder, Pampa, Tx.

      • I had surgery to remove blockage in lower intestine.
        A portion was removed and then intestine was reconnected.
        It has a year and 2 months.
        The gas is horrendous. I don’t know what to do.
        I watch what I eat and try to avoid diarrhea. I love with it but can’t stand it!!

    • Have u had a colonoscopy done recently? That was my issue and im better now w/ all that.

  4. Gut bacteria can be adversely affected by medications like Metformin. Diabetic friends and I notice the extra smelly gas we produce since going on the drug. Drug makers call it a side affect LOL.

    • Martha, I am interested in learning how to control involuntary farts. They just pass at the most awkward times.

      • Elizabeth McFarland

        A cork!

      • Try beano or BeanAssist. They worked well for me.

      • Give yourself a couple of enemas about every three weeks. Two large volume enemas will flush out the old rancid fecal matter stuck to the inside of your colon. This rancid fecal matter can result in your colon making huge amounts of gas. I have about 65% less gas for a good 2.5 to 3 weeks. And nothing helps one expel gas like an enema. After being miserable for years and not having any social life I read a chapter in a book written by a gastroenterologist. He recommended enemas for gas and I have found that nothing works for gas like enemas. Give yourself the water very slowly so you can hold a lot of it to get your colon really clean. GOOD LUCK!

    • And what do you combat this with? Metformin is my drug of choice.

  5. No one can digest gluten! No one! Check the study done in 2015 which showed EVERYONE (100%) of persons who ate gluten had intestinal damage after eating it. EVERYONE! It is not a human food. Only rodents can digest it fully. No one should be eating wheat, barley or rye. It was apparently originally a famine food but I will never eat it again. It made me sick for over 60 years. No more! When I need a famine food, I stick to potatoes.

    • Are you the Wendy Bolt, the musician from Arizona?

    • Has anyone got a link to that study?

    • Sweet potatoes are best for you… my eastern/western Dr (really naturalist) had 39 vials of blood taken on me… only thing that was wrong.. she took me off gluten!!I was 79 and now 82 this year and still do not take any meds. I’m truly blessed. Eat grass fed, organic.. finally got off sweets for most part… I was addicted! Have to get back to a Dr soon . May have problems with circulation… neuropathy in feet, discoloration in toes… have to find new Dr as she does only naturalistic and insurance doesn’t pay and I moved from Fl where she was to Ohio.. going back to Fl.. can’t stand weather here..

  6. I must be feeding men in my family some good eats cause they pass some “stinky” gas!

  7. Onions do it for me. Normally my farts are virtually odorless. But if I eat a lot of onions, my farts could gag a maggot.

    • I seem to fart quite a bit every day. I consistently try to force them out with zest(as long as not in a crowd). The thing somewhat seemingly unique is 99% of the time there is no odor-noisy but don’t stink-thank gosh which I have wondered about my entire adult life?

      • Unfortunately, MDs are very little help. I got the help I needed from my Natural doc, a FMD. I needed to supplement with enzymes. Constipation is a no-no, bowels must be kept moving regularly. Look for me on FB if you’d like! Martha Sluder, Pampa, Tx.

    • It was so bad for me that my High School mates called me SKUNK instead of my real name John. I c;eared some classes. My brother and his family were driving me to the airport and had to pull the car over it was so bad. Needless to say I avoid High School Reunions.

  8. Cultures differ on farting. Around the turn of the century a Japanese bride marrying into our family farted and was so embarrassed she committed suicide. The family said they understood why she did it, to preserve honor. At present, farting and four and a half dollars will buy you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

  9. If you enjoy farting, best formula is: Tin of anchovies, half a can of hummus, 2-3 cloves of garlic and a stout beer. The smell can bring tears to a seasoned fart-smeller’s eyes.


  10. I have a problem with explosive gas. It just comes out & I cant control it. Anyone know why? Please help!! I’ve asked doctors, & they dont know why.

  11. Sheila Petersen

    I have a cycle of fowl smelling farts it starts with fowl smelling burps. Then the next day comes the farts. They are so bad everyone leaves the room this goes on for 5-12 days then comes the diarrhea for 2 days. Then I feel sick and throw up at the same time as the diarrhea. Then it stops for a week sometimes two weeks. Then it starts all over again. I can’t stand being in the same room with myself. This has been going on for over six months now.
    I don’t know how to stop it. I have looked it up. Trued So many remedies. To no avail.

  12. Sheila Petersen

    I have a cycle of fowl smelling farts it starts with fowl smelling burps. Then the next day comes the farts. They are so bad everyone leaves the room this goes on for 5-12 days then comes the diarrhea for 2 days. Then I feel sick and throw up at the same time as the diarrhea. Then it stops for a week sometimes two weeks. Then it starts all over again. I can’t stand being in the same room with myself. This has been going on for over six months now.
    I don’t know how to stop it. I have looked it up. Trued So many remedies. To no avail. Any suggestions?

    • Sheila, are you doing better? I know exactly what you’re dealing with, and it’s fixable! I help people with digestive issues, and you’re welcome to look me up on FB. Martha Sluder, Herbalist, Pampa Tx.

  13. I learned several years ago that commercially over-processed ingredients, which permeate nearly all commercially prepared foods, are what make farts get stinky. Commercial medicines also make for stinky farts.

    For the past three years we have eliminated all foods with commercial chemicals added as ingredients. We still fart normally due to our high grain and high vegetable diet, but our farts are never stinky. In fact, they have no smell at all.

    I am convinced that the smell of farts is due to a chemical reaction with certain food additives and commercial medicines, and has nothing to do with natural foods.

    I have also discovered that one of the worst food additives of all is any kind of commercially processed calcium. Apparently, high temperature and high pressure distorts the structure of calcium molecules in a significant enough way that the calcium negatively affects nerve structure. This causes constipation, hardening of the arteries, calcified teeth, and bone pain. And if you look up the symptoms of calcium supplements at the Mayo Clinic, these are the exact symptoms you could expect from commercial calcium supplements. I eliminated all commercially processed calcium supplements from my food and medicine, and my chronic constipation disappeared, my hypertension disappeared (requiring no more blood pressure medicine), and my bone pain significantly disappeared. I discovered this dietary change because I had a calcified tooth without infection, which my dentist couldn’t understand. After two hours of his time, he couldn’t get rid of the pain, and so I took the pain home with me, and suspecting artificial calcium was the cause, I eliminated all foods containing calcium additives, and in three days, the calcified tooth pain was completely gone. That is also when I noticed all the other symptoms had disappeared.

    If you have stinky farts, this is the clear sign that you are eating commercially processed chemicals in your diet, and that you need to eliminate them.

    I found that dandelions (any part of the plant) are rich in natural calcium (and potassium), but the best natural calcium supplement is powdered hackberry leaves and berries. The quality and quantity of natural calcium in hackberry is unsurpassed by all other supplements.

    • I do NOT agree that 30 farts per day are normal. This is coming from my experience in healing from SIBO. I’ve reached the point where I can go days without having gas, and then only when I’ve eaten something more difficult to digest or forgotten to take my enzymes. Constantly making gas is a result of several important red flags- not producing sufficient digestive enzymes (output decreases after age 40). Another red flag is infection- whether bacterial, parasitic, or fungal. None are good and should be addressed (bacterial overgrowth can impact blood sugar levels). Thirdly, constipation should be dealt with promptly or bacterial/fungal overload will never resolve. Speaking from experience. And as far as cruciferous is concerned- add digestive enzymes and no gas! Just don’t eat 2 cups like some might suggest. ?

  14. Once I read this article. I started laughing. But anybody that knows me. Knows that I fart a lot. So I stink out gut whole world. Big deal. I’m never embarrassed when I fart. I’m the king of farts. And everybody knows it. Fart to live and live to fart.

  15. I have the very same issues. I saw a gastro MD recently, I had colonoscopy and gastroscopy.(all clear)
    I have diabetes and gastric reflux and constipation. No real why answers, maybe meds ECT.

  16. I pass gas very frequently and has such a bad odor it really embarrasses me. It makes no difference what I eat. Many times I also pass fecal matter and soil myself-but I’ve not felt anything come out (except the gas passing). What can this mean? I’ve asked my dr but she says passing gas is normal.

  17. I had problems for years. Went to all kinds of docs and had all kinds of test one doctor gave me the Fodmap diet and it was onions. I still have to watch what I eat but onions really cause a big problem.
    That Ben is so funny.

  18. Ayurveda, the ancient health care system of the Hindus, teaches that when the body is in balance, the person will NOT pass gas. When I first heard this, I thought it was preposterous since I had seen the standard information that passing up to 20 liters of gas a day is normal. However, since learning how to keep my body in balance, now I often go days without passing gas. If I do, I can trace it to some way that my body has become out of balance and I know how to correct it. Look up Ayurveda.

  19. I have the same problem .bulging tummy, extreme gas where is smells of nothing I eat .I cannot go out & my husband refuses to sleep in the same room…I think I may internally combust at times .This never happened when Iwas young…..helpppppp

    • My suggestion is to please try going gluten free for a month.
      If you must eat breads eat ONLY sourdough as it has no yeast and will not spike your blood sugar.
      Most of us older citizens grew up eating everything and most was not processed. GMO ,organic grass fed all make a huge difference. for me it was watching and listening to my “gut”. I eat fast food once or twice a year, ’cause it sure is tasty but it “releases” quite easily the next day, ewww!
      I love hoppy IPAs but those micro brews have yeast which does me no favors.

    • Have you tried a natural detox program? I had bulging stomach, extreme gas, and flip flopping between constipation and diarrhea. I am now on my first week of a detox program and all that has stopped.

    • See a functional medicine practitioner! They get to the root cause of symptoms.

  20. Started with wet flatulance about a month ago don’t know if it is food or what. there has been minor bleeding. With the coved it is hard to get doctors appointment.

  21. Having found the root of my digestive issues, gas is NOT normal. At least I’m glad I don’t have to put up with it when I use digestive enzymes, keep my bowels moving and detox periodically. When I’m in balance, I have NO gas. I never knew normal could feel so wonderful!

  22. I’ve seen articles also that female farts contain more hydrogen sulfide then male farts. I don’t know if this is true but I have read it on a few sites. H.S is the boiled egg smell. My other question is that why some farts smell like boiled eggs ans others smell like potato chips? And some are a combo

  23. Seriously I have tried everything to stop my constant farting. Mu gastro doctor told me to use I Bigard. That didn’t work as well as others I’ve tried like Gas X and Phazyme .Is there one miracle cure for flatulence?

  24. Sorry My Gastro doctor.

  25. I have tried everything and no luck. I’ve been taking a probiotic every morning for over four years and that hasn’t helped the farting. My gastro doctor suggested take IBgard. That didn’t help. I’ve tried things from Gas X to others like Phazyme. No luck. Any suggestions???

    • I don’t see my post, so I’ll try here. Jack, probiotics are not the answer if a person’s bacteria level is out of what, as in SIBO- Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth. The root of the problem must be addressed. It could be from food poisoning (even years prior), lacking digestive enzymes (we produce less after age 40) parasites (a very real problem if you eat food) or from fungal overgrowth. I’ve had and dealt with ALL! Here is some more info from my experience-

      I do NOT agree that 30 farts per day are normal. This is coming from my experience in healing from SIBO. I’ve reached the point where I can go days without having gas, and then only when I’ve eaten something more difficult to digest or forgotten to take my enzymes. Constantly making gas is a result of several important red flags- not producing sufficient digestive enzymes (output decreases after age 40). Another red flag is infection- whether bacterial, parasitic, or fungal. None are good and should be addressed (bacterial overgrowth can impact blood sugar levels). Thirdly, constipation should be dealt with promptly or bacterial/fungal overload will never resolve. Speaking from experience. And as far as cruciferous is concerned, I can eat a little with NO gas if I use digestive enzymes! Just don’t try to eat two cups LOL!

      • Drink two cups of fresh Menth tea, if not liking the taste, add one tea spoon of sugar, drink it during the day. tell us the results.

    • Hi
      Try a tsp of baking soda in a room temperature glass of water that cuts gas fast

  26. Sorry for the double post. Didn’t see it post the first time.

  27. I have a major problem with farting after eating cherries, or garlic (and I still haven’t worked out if onions affect me). Both cause a smell, but after garlic they are particularly smelly. Garlic is SO good for you, not to mention that I like it, so I like to eat it… I have found that taking a garlic capsule does NOT affect me in this way.
    I have an extremely healthy diet, I eat no processed foods, no sugar and no wheat products (almost no grain products), so this is definitely not caused by processed foods!!
    I certainly found that when I started eating way more fibre, my farting increased, but not excessively and they weren’t particularly smelly – except the garlic and cherries.

    I have, clearly, been wondering whether my gut just doesn’t like these foods, and thinking that perhaps I shouldn’t be eating them (I’ll seriously cry if I’m not allowed to eat cherries!!)… so I’d love to know what people’s thoughts are on this…

    • oh, and I eat very little dairy, although I do eat some raw goat’s cheese, goat’s yogurt and Kefir…

    • It sounds like the Low Fodmap diet may help. Onions and garlic are Hugh Fodmap ( Fermentable oligosaccharides, discaharides and polypens) which instead of being digested in small intestine , manage to slip through to the large intestine where they rot or ferment causing loads of gas, wind, bloating , pain etc. So what you can do is heat so olive oil in a pan till warm not hot then add as many chopped garlics to it as you like.Leave it over night then sieve with cheese cloth etc so the pile has NO pieces of garlic. I then pour it into an icechbe tray and make garlic oil cubes which I freeze and keep in the freezer till I need some garlic, you get all the goodness but no bad effects as the Fodmaps in garlic are only water soluble not oil soluble. If you use load, you could keep it in a screw top jar in the fridge for max 3 days but after that it can be dangerous I think because garlic cloves grow right in the soil and possibly have botulisms or other nasties. I use a lidded ice cube tray so the freezer doesn’t smell. Very useful and no side effects. You can do the same with inions though green part of spring onions/scallions is low Fodmap – same with leeks. I hope this helps though the posts are quite old so …..

  28. Seriously does anybody know a great medicine or pill to stop farting.

    • Hi
      Try green tea that is antioxidant caffeine free it’ll help

      • Try chewing fennel seeds as soon as you feel an upset stomach Ihad this problem for years as soon as I started taking the fennel seeds it stopped. I also take 2 fiber well gummies every day. everyone I told about this trick tells me that it was a miracle for them

    • GAX X. It simply works.

  29. Look into proper food combining, that can be a huge help to people and an excellent place to start. Also, there is a difference between fermentation and putrefaction gas. The former tends to be less noxious, more prolific and release more of an amount each time. The latter is much more odorous and of the “SBD” kind.

    Digestive enzymes, probiotics, small, properly combined, nutrient dense meals, avoiding snacking, intermittent fasting, all these things will take strain of the digestive system. Digestive bitters may be helpful and things like HCL and/or bile salts if one has A.low stomach acid and B.either a missing or compromised gallbladder. If it’s an option, consulting a TCM practitioner can be very helpful in learning how to balance the system.

    Some people do well on a SCD program or low FODMAP program, you have to play around until you find what helps you the most.

  30. I was told I have a kink in my colon which causes digestive problems. What can I do to reduce gas
    and have a regular BM? I already do probiotics, flax, chia and enzymes
    thank you

  31. exsessive farting can also be a warning of colon cancer I should know it happened to me and they removed 18 inches of my colon.

  32. exsessive farting can also be a warning of colon cancer I should know it happened to me and they removed 18 inches of my colon.

  33. I recently got a Manzilian wax. Ok I really needed it. What I noticed is that I couldn’t hold my farts in or squelch then like I normally can. And they were almost all with sound, no silent ones. But they don’t seem to smell as bad. Weird. Has any body ever had this reaction after either a Brazilian or Manzilian Wax??

  34. Since I got into my menopause I start to have problems breaking down the food proteins on my intestines and some days even get crumps ! What really has helping me it’s probiotics and digestive enzymes, so that way I can still eat the heathy good foods that I liked, although I try to avoid eating too much pastas, potatoes , beans which it’s one of my fav , breads and pastries because those are my worse enemies

  35. Stop drinking alcohol and coffee. Don’t eat onions, beans, peas, dairy, eggs, limit sugars! Gluten or whole wheat if it still persists

    Eat bananas and fresh fruits, hemp hearts, oatmeal, lettuce, lettuce and more lettuce, garlic, pineapple, essential fatty acids/omegas, rice

    If unbalanced eat limes, garlic and antiparastic capsules to balance. Then eat lettuce, bananas and probiotics to rebalance after the cleanse

    Take enzymes in small quantities with hard to digest foods and red meats.

    Do this and you’ll notice a difference

  36. we forget that some people were born this way. Since I was a teenager
    i have been very gassy to a point people clear away from me.
    30 years later nothing changed. it’s just genetic

    • Jo you are spot on. It was the way God made us. I am like you. 50 years later nothing has changed. I have my colonoscopys and all is fine. We are who we are.

  37. How about the kazoo?

  38. I like to share my farts, cleared out a packed cafe once, like to leave them in crowds!!!

    • Larry…are you Larry the Cable Guy? lol

    • Larry, you are definitely gross. Please consider other people and stay away from crowds. Thank You.

    • My daughter her whole adult life has to go immediately to the restroom after a meal to have a bowl movement. What do you think the cause is and is there a enzyme or any information that will help her. Thank you

    • Terrible! You remind me of my son! At 7 years old we were in a long line at customer service and he silently farted a lethal combo of rotten eggs, stale chips and poop. He then conveniently disappeared to the end of the very long line, laughing in hysterics while I stood there dealing with the gasps, angry looks and headshakes of the people in line behind me and in front of me as they covered their noses, gasping! Talk about feeling embarrassed! ” It wasn’t me” I said but I knew nobody believed me.

  39. The reason farts stink is for the benefit of the hard of hearing

  40. Having most of my small intestine surgically removed means my farts hospitalize small children, any suggestions to help remedy the situation?

  41. Anthony L
    I am not a doctor more to do with herbals.
    Most of you are looking for help. First Stephen I sagest you take CBD supplement best time before you go to bed and wake during the early morning follow up taking it. There are no side affects
    I was once told to chew each mouth full 32 times?
    If you have the will power? This is my own way, eat breakfast then no eat until after 5PM and a good meal than no eat until the following morning do this two days a week it completely resets the stomach.

  42. Women still consider it rude for a man to fart. And some will get extremely angry about it. They claim that they never do it and there is no reason for a man to. “Take TUMS or something to stop that”, they say. Or, “See a doctor”.

  43. I though most of my farts were blamed on C-pap machine ?

  44. If you have a Stoma your fart comes unexpectedly. You never know when your next fart will be.

  45. “Ahhh ,Dont Stop , Keep Injecting Me Those Smilies !!! i Love It !!! “

  46. Does it matter how long a toot is? I don’t do a lot of tooting but sometimes they can be very long toots.

  47. your comments just made my day! How about the tuba? Especially with a loose embouchure.

  48. I have been on a mostly KETO diet for about 18 months now, eliminating almost all carbohydrate and high in quality protein. Virtually no bread, and eliminated sugar, rice and potatoes altogether. Have lost 70 lbs and blood chemistry is near perfect; HDL and LDLs balanced and in the middle of the “normal” range, Most vegetables are cruciferous, with string beans or peas and occasional mixed salad! Cooking oils are clarified butter, tallow and lard, NO seed oils. When on occasion travel where we have available only a higher fiber intake, bowel movements become irregular and somewhat difficult.

    But when return to the Keto, which is actually a low fiber diet, bowel movement again becomes like clock work with no difficulty. Opposite of most conventional medical recommendations.

    Slight gas all the time, but virtually odorless. We take supplements. Wife and I are 74.

  49. I love farting, makes me feel good,

  50. Beans Beans the musical fruit the more you eat the more you toot The more you toot the better you feel so eat beans at every meal.

  51. Malcolm
    This can be a problem caused by a fructose intolerance .Some foods such as onions.apples and pears wheat are not digested in the small intestine and go through to the large intestine undigested causing bloating and foul smelling farts and in some cases diarrhea.

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