Black Seed Oil: Benefits, where to find it, and how to use it

Today’s blog is republished from my friends at Paleohacks, a leading publisher of daily alternative health tips that I personally read every day. You can find the original article here

By: Megan Patiry

Black seed oil, or Nigella Sativa, comes from the seeds of the Nigella Sativa plant. Native to Asia, historical accounts date the use of its seeds as far back as ancient Egypt.

Folklore from the surroundings regions, including Indian and Arabic civilizations, refer to the tiny seeds as “Habbatul barakah” (seed of blessing) for their ability to ease indigestion, treat asthma, bronchitis, rheumatism, diarrhea, and even energize the body and ease “dispiritedness” (1).

Today, these claims seem to withstand the tests of an impressive amount of present-day studies. Black seed oil’s main phytochemical compounds, thymoquinone, thymohydroquinone, and thymol, have been shown to have an astounding number of benefits, from being potent antifungals to possible contenders in the fight against Alzheimer’s and autism (23).

Black Seed Oil Benefits


Below we’ll take a look at the top nine benefits of black seed oil, breaking down exactly why these little seeds hold so much power.

1. Black Seed Oil May Prevent Diabetes

Black seed oil shows huge promise when it comes to preventing and managing both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. One study out of the Indian Council of Medical Research found that black seed oil actually caused a partial “regeneration” of pancreatic cells, lowered previously elevated serum glucose levels, and lowered serum insulin concentrations (4).

In the same study, researchers also mentioned that black seeds improved glucose tolerance as well as the major type 2 diabetes drug metformin without the nasty side effects of stomach pain, bloating, headaches, heartburn, and flushing (5). Of course, you’ll want to speak to your doctor before quitting any medications.

2. Black Seed Oil Has Anti-Cancer Properties

If research has anything to say about black seed oil, it’s that it is a potent cancer cell fighter. Studies have shown its active compound, thymoquinone, reduces malignant colon tumor sizes, induces cell death in pancreatic and breast cancer cells, and has anti-metastatic actions (i.e., helps stop the spears of cancers) (6).

One study also mentioned that the combination of thymoquinone with standard cancer treatments like chemotherapy could actually reduce the toxicity of chemo and make treatments more effective (7).

Combined with chemotherapy, black seed oil can make cancer treatment more effective.

Interestingly, scientists from another study mentioned that thymoquinone and thymohydroquinone’s antitumor effects may be dose-dependent, stating: “The results indicate that THQ antitumor activity may be improved with further dose increase of the investigated substance.” This was after also discovering that these two compounds resulted in a 52 percent decrease in tumor cells (8).

Now, we all know that the positive results of these studies don’t necessarily mean that black seed oil is a definite cancer cure for everyone. However, it does give us a great starting point in using this oil as an alternative treatment.

3. Black Seed Oil Protects Against Liver Damage

Black seed oil has been shown to protect against liver damage from hepatic ischemia reperfusion injury while also protecting liver tissue against the effects of toxic metals. It has even been shown to create a protective effect against radioactive chemicals, including cadmium, by rejuvenating the antioxidants that were depleted after exposure to the chemicals (9).

4. Black Seed Oil Has Anti-Inflammatory Effects


Black seed oil has also been shown to have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Osteoporosis (which is heavily linked to inflammation) is just one of the ailments researchers put up to bat against black seed oil, and they found that its thymoquinone content inhibited a wide variety of substances that cause inflammation (10).

In addition, scientists also discovered thymoquinone’s ability to inhibit molecules that cause allergic airway inflammation in the lungs (the kind that you might experience in an allergic reaction) (11).

5. Black Seed Oil Promotes Skin Health

Applying black seed oil topically also appears to have endless benefits. In the case against acne, researchers discovered that application of the oil resulted in reduction of lesions in just two months, attributing the results to black seed oil’s antimicrobial, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects (12).

Apply black seed oil topically to reduce acne.

In a separate study, black seed oil was also shown to inhibit skin cancer cells in mice; it delayed “papilloma formation and reduced the number of papillomas per mouse” (13).

The fact that black seed oil is anti-inflammatory and shows a good amount of antioxidant activity also makes it great for use as an anti-aging moisturizer.

6. Black Seed Oil Has Antibacterial & Antifungal Properties

Antibacterial and antifungal resistance is a well-known problem in the medical field today. As a result, scientists have started looking outside the box of traditional western therapies (i.e., antibiotics) for answers.

Black seed oil emerged as one of the most promising. Researchers in one study discovered its active components thymol, thymoquinone, and thymohydroquinone were 100 percent effective in inhibiting 30 different pathogens (14).

It has also been found in several other studies to inhibit the growth of candida yeasts and Staphylococcus aureus (staph) infection (1516). This is powerful news, since candida overgrowth has become very common due to modern diets high in processed sugars, as well as the fact that staph infections are also common in hospitals.

7. Black Seed Oil Promotes Weight Loss

While oils aren’t the first substances that come to mind when we think of weight loss, it turns out that black seed oil could play a role in fighting obesity. Researchers believe its ability to improve glucose tolerance, enhance liver health, decrease inflammation, and regulate glucose levels all play a role in helping the body return to a normal weight.

Black seed oil regulates glucose levels, helping you lose weight!

After all, our ability to optimize our glucose levels and use carbohydrates efficiently plays a huge role in obesity and insulin resistance, so weight loss could be a likely side effect of improving these factors (17). And the best part about optimizing our glucose levels? No fad diets required!

8. Black Seed Oil Boosts Immunity


Consuming black seed oil may also be an effective way to naturally increase your immunity. Studies show black seed oil enhances natural killer T cells (cells that fight viral infections) while also having the ability to restore resistance against lethal infections (1819).

Black seed oil’s effect on the immune system is even powerful enough to protect against radiation. One study found, “N. sativa oil is a promising natural radioprotective agent against immunosuppressive and oxidative effects of ionizing radiation” (20).

9. Black Seed Oil Fights Allergies

Black seed oil also appears to be an effective remedy against allergy symptoms.

One study found that patients suffering from allergic rhinitis (and everything that comes with it, like runny and itchy noses, sneeze attacks, excess mucous and congestion) found relief after being exposed to black seed oil for just two weeks. Researchers attributed these results to black seed oil’s powerful anti-inflammatory effects (21).

Where to Get Black Seed Oil

With benefits like these, it’s safe to say we’re all looking forward to cherishing a bottle of black seed oil for ourselves. Luckily, it can be purchased online directly with Activation Products Black Seed Oil or through sites like Amazon. Various health food retailers may also carry black seed oil capsules, if you’re looking for something in pill form.

What to Look For

Just like any other oil, there are a few important things to look for when purchasing black seed oil:

  • Cold-pressed
  • No additives
  • Organic
  • Packaged in dark glass (to protect from rancidity)

Also keep in mind that black seed oil has a number of different names, including black oil, black cumin oil, etc., so be sure to check the ingredient list for purity before purchasing.

How to Use Black Seed Oil


For internal use, you can either take a teaspoon or tablespoon of black seed oil straight, or drizzle it on a salad or on veggies in place of olive oil. For skin and hair, this oil makes an excellent moisturizer. Apply to a clean face to use as a nourishing moisturizer at night, or apply to scalp and hair ends for a few minutes before showering to boost shine.

The amount of studies on black seed oil are not only impressive, but the fact that most of them show significant positive results is extremely encouraging for researchers looking into ancient methods of healing. After all, the discovery of black seed oil and its proven benefits have shown us there is credibility to ancient medicinal writings and techniques.

One thing is for sure: the benefits of black seed oil truly gives it the well-deserved title of “seeds of blessings.”


About The Watchdog

Mike Geary has been a Certified Nutrition Specialist and Certified Personal Trainer for over 15 years now. He has been studying nutrition and exercise for almost 25 years, ever since being a young teenager. Mike is originally from Pennsylvania, but has fallen in love with mountain life and now resides in the picturesque mountains of Utah. Mike is an avid adventurist and when he’s not spending his time skiing, mountain biking, hiking, or paddleboarding on the lake, he has enjoyed skydiving, whitewater rafting, piloting an Italian fighter plane (seriously), scuba diving, heli-skiing, and traveling all around the world, enjoying learning about different cultures. At the age of 40, Mike now feels healthier, stronger, and more energetic than when he was 20... All because of a healthy lifestyle and great nutrition!

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  1. Thank you ever so for you post.Much thanks again.

  2. The main chemicals contained within these seeds are “thymoquinone” and “thymohydroquinone” which are the main elements that provide such wonderful healing effects.

    • Thanks for reminding me of blackseed oil,… I considered using it a while ago,partly cos I read it’s good for Hypothyroid(which u didn’t mention.why?)
      But I was put off by the fact thst it might lower my blood sugar levels.
      I have hypoglycaemia symptoms. Tho it’s reassuring or interesting to know that it regenerates pancreatic cells. So i will reconsider, I guess.

  3. I. Hold the buy the oil where I live butvcould buy the seeds and my son (age 2 at the time) had Mrsa.on his legs he would cry from the pimple like boils ….but I gave him a spoonful of the black sesame seeds he feel repel for his nap and 2 hours later with the pain and boils all gone!!!!
    We keep black sesame seeds at all times now for all things

  4. fantastic guidance for a diabetic patient

  5. Thanks for the good article. I haven’t heard about black seed oil before and it’s compounds/ benefits sound promising.


  7. Thank you for the information. It is so refreshing to find an article that doesn’t contain a video message. I’m sure they mean well but I don’t have that kind of time. Thanks again!

  8. The seeds and the oil does the same work

    • It’s a really worthy article to read. I see them plenty in our streets but it’s a sheer ignorance that I never tried it but, now I know.
      Thank you so much Taylor.

  9. I have Lupus and I’m on meds to suppress my Immune system. Would this be ok to use?

  10. I’m interested in the black seed grain and oil

  11. In our religion, Prophet Mohammad Peace Be Upon Him said that this black seed is cure for all deseases except death and especially with honey. The seeds can be ground and made into paste by adding olive oil and honey. It’s benefits are limitless. It can be taken at any time of the day. It is unbelievable.

  12. I am very interested in the Black Seed Oil. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis ovr 29 yers ago, I have been doing everything to heal myself naturally and I believe this would be a great attribute for my health!!

    • Where can you buy it?

      • Kathy . You can buy on Amazon. I have been buying Perfect Press brand (Activation seems to be the same company) . This seems to be a high quality brand. There are many kinds of oil so don’t get confused. Its known as either Black seed , black cumin, nigella sativa . Best mixed with a bit of good quality honey . A tablespoon is maximum amount per day. Too much can be toxic.

  13. Hello !!

    So where do you get Black Seed Oil?

    Is there a high quality without the high cost?

    Thank You.


    Marcy Lyons

  14. I found Black Seed Oil in multiple places. I found prices vary from manufacturers; even sells it!

  15. I get mine from activation Products. I do NOT like thd fact that they use plastic bottles. Yuck! AND they ship mainly by USPS so it gets delivered to my mailbox instead of my doorstep!!! Double yuck!!!!

    • Activation Products ships Black Cumin oil in Ultraviolet Flame Glass (aka: Miron). This type of glass will
      not let in oxidizing light. Therefore, the shelf life is greatly increased. My wife has Chronic Leukemia and
      I give it to her daily.

  16. Sir/ Ma’am
    Where can I order or purchase the black seed oil?

    Thank You

    • I got some at Whole Foods and I’ve also gotten some at Thrive Market (an online market that you have to subscribe to but I believe you can try it free). Make sure it is a glass bottle.

  17. This was a remedy used in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India and probably still is. Good stuff!

  18. what can I use to get rid of water in my legs? I’m side effect sensitive so I can’t take water pills. so I need to go the other way with natural meds.

  19. Where in Vancouver BC canada do I buy this oil

  20. Are black seed oil pills just as effective?

    • Wondering about something….what exactly is black seed oil? Some said it’s black sesame seeds, amazon list black seed oil as cumin seeds and other seeds, so….can someone please tell exactly what it is??
      Thank you.

  21. I read your article & applied some black seed oil on my face & under my eyes & it burned my eyes, making them tear up greatly & swelled some. After applying a cold washcloth repeatedly for 5 minutes I got some relief. I must have a very potent formula that should be diluted with a carrier oil. Please advise readers to test skin areas first so this doesn’t happen to others.

  22. Hi,

    The taste is similar to what I imagine petroleum would taste like. I am not exaggerating! How do you mitigate the taste? No way would I sprinkle this on my salad (quick way to ruin a good meal).

    • I was waiting for someone to mention the motor oil taste. The taste is too potent. What can help improved the taste and not reduce the effectiveness? Even a shot drink is too much to take. Worse than fish oil capsules.

  23. I read all you write, it appears that you are a carbon copy of me. I am still the over 40s quickest snow boarder in America and Canada, and I am 72 in 26 days, I teach water skiing, I use to snow ski, & sky dive, hand glide,
    Ice skate, Roller skate, played squash, tennis not all that good, Ab seil, pig shooting, jet ski wave jumping, scuba dive, trail bikes Yamaha450 YZF, Martial arts 10 years trained by world karate champion 1970 Joe Meissner,
    never got my pilots license though, I do Yoga and Tai Chi and Study Medicine.
    The Black see paste or oil has some draw backs, you can be allergic to it, you can’t take it with medication and some foods, it doesn’t work on everyone, cancer curing has been declined from working, it is on par with the
    healing from inside the apricot seed, it works, BUT.
    Cindy said she wouldn’t ruin a good meal with the taste of the black seed oil, so many people agree with that, they would rather ruin a good life, their are many substance that I take that are blood awful, have you tried apple cider vinegar or 100% chocolate and so on. I am 100% stronger, fitter, more flexible than many friends
    that are even half my age. I use to SAY IT long before NIKE. ” JUST DO IT “

    • How do I find out what foods and medications it does not combine with? I have done some research and not found anything. I am concerned because people are combing it with cannabis oil which could negate the therapeutic value of it or even result in a toxic product. Do you know about this or how to find out about this?

  24. Teddy Harrington

    I am interested in using it

  25. Hi, please give me the link or address where I can buy either in the form of oil or capsules,?

  26. Richard Saunders

    Where can I buy Black Seed Oil???

  27. Juanita Sheppard

    Where do i get this black seed oil

  28. Where can I purchase the black seed oil?

  29. Hi, can this oil be used on pets that have dermatitis?

  30. Just because of the broad range of responses and acknowledging that different people have different body chemistry and seeing no assured level of safety here, i wouldn’t touch this stuff with a 10 foot pole.

  31. Hi

    Where can I purchase the black seed oil?

  32. How Can I get some

  33. I have been taking a pinch of Black seeds with a dot of honey morning and night for few years .
    Would appreciate any input on how to use Black Seed Oil to deal with diabetes .

  34. You can purchase it from Amazon

  35. I would absolutely love to get some black seed oil…

  36. help my mom is 81 years old
    this black seed oil helps diabetes ,but does it also help blood infections ,or bed sores my mother has .
    please help

  37. hi i just wanted to mention that blackseed oil n blackseeds r mentioned in the holy scripture. that it is a remedy for all illness besides death. do how come people’s r just realising this just now. the scripture olso mentioned. oilve oil. figs. dates. honey which every single one is of ouy healthy benifit . which of gods favours csn we deny. all the answers r already in the scripture. so it time we all went back to read the holy Scriptures like we used to in the olden days. its full of day to day knowledge n be living u can buy seeds in any asian shops called kalonji seeds n kalonji oil.

  38. I’ve been told black seed oil good for anxiety but some find it makes it worse. I purchased some for my son but afraid it could make his anxiety worse. Any research for that?

  39. I would like to try it. I’m diabetes. I also have osteoporosis..Please let me know where I can find some.

  40. Can I give it to my pet who is battling a yeast infection..

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